註1 FWD.us 同団体のウェブサイトZuckerbergが書いたWashington Postへの寄稿記事
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg: Immigration and the knowledge economy
註2 各媒体の伝え方は下記のような報道のされ方をしていた。
Exclusive: Elon Musk quits Zuckerberg's immigration advocacy groupElon Musk and David Sacks Depart Fwd.us, Mark Zuckerberg’s Political Action Group
Technology Industry Lobbying Group Loses SupportersThe US tech sector’s bare-knuckle immigration lobby loses Elon Musk
Elon Musk, David Sacks ditch Zuckerberg’s Fwd.usMuskの離脱の理由については、FWD.usが資金提供する共和党側の政治団体(下部組織「Americans for a Conservative Direction」が、環境保護団体などから反対の声が上がり続けている「Keystone XL pipeline」の敷設計画を実質的にアピールするようなテレビ広告を流したことに対し、排ガスゼロのEVメーカー、Teslaの経営者であり、また太陽光発電普及を目指すソーラーシティの支援者という立場にあるMuskが反発したため、とされている。
なお、このテレビCM放映については、FWD.usが支援する共和党のMarco Rubio(フロリダ州選出の上院議員で、2016年の大統領選予備選挙に出馬する可能性が以前から有力視されている)やLindsey Graham(サウスカロライナ州選出上院議員)などが、移民法改正に懐疑的な共和党右派の懐柔を狙って流したものとされている。
Americans for a Conservative Directionのウェブサイトには、問題となった次のような動画が掲載されている。
Marco Rubio Lindsey Graham
註3 FWD.usの主要サポーター(5月14日現在。順不同)発起人(Founders)
- Joe Green:FWD.us創設者、Zuckerbergのハーバード大時代のルームメート
- Jim Breyer:VC Accel Partnersのパートナー
- Matt Cohler:元Facebook幹部、ベンチマーク・キャピタル
- Ron Conway:「スーパーエンジェル」の代表格とされる人物
- John Doerr:クライナー・パーキンス(KPCB)の責任者
- Chamath Palihapitiya,:元Facebook幹部、現ソーシャル+キャピタル・パートナーズ
- Sean Parker:あのSean Parker
- Mark Zuckerberg
主な支援者(Major Contributors)
- Steve Ballmer:Microsoft
- Brian Chesky:Airbnb
- Paul Graham;Y Combinator
- Reed Hastings;NetFlix
- Chad Hurley:YouTube共同創業者
- Max Levchin:「PayPal Mafia」の中心の一人
- Andrew Mason:元Groupon
- Mary Meeker: 現KPCB、元Morganstanley
- Dave Morin:Path
- Alison Pincus:One Kings Lane、Mark Pinchasの妻
- Mark Pincus:Zinga、Alison Pinchasの夫
- Marissa Mayer:現Yahoo
- Keith Rabois:現Khosla Ventures、元Squire
- Hosain Rahman:Jawbone、Marissa Mayerのスタンフォード大時代の同級生
- Eric Schmidt:Google
- Brad Smith:Microsoft法務担当
- Kevin Systrom:Instagram
- Padmasree Warrior:Cisco Systems CTO)
註4 WP社主のDonald Grahamは、Facebook社外取締役を務める。ふたりは2005年からの付き合いとか。
Mr. Graham met Mr. Zuckerberg in 2005, introduced by the daughter of one of Mr. Graham's executives, who went to school with Mr. Zuckerberg at Harvard.
When Zuckerberg Met Graham: A Facebook Love Story
註5 不法入国・滞在者の子弟
Earlier this year I started teaching a class on entrepreneurship at an after-school program in my community. The middle-school students put together business plans, made their products and even got an opportunity to sell them.
One day I asked my students what they thought about going to college. One of my top aspiring entrepreneurs told me he wasn’t sure that he’d be able to go to college because he’s undocumented. His family is from Mexico, and they moved here when he was a baby. Many students in my community are in the same situation; they moved to the United States so early in their lives that they have no memories of living anywhere else.
>Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg: Immigration and the knowledge economy
註6 Marco Rubio(Marco Rubio)
このRubioか、やはりZuckerbergと近い現ニュージャージー州知事のChris Christieが、2016年の共和党大統領選予備選で勝ち残りそう、というのがいまのところの評判。今年2月には共和党を代表する形で、オバマ大統領の一般教書演説に対抗するスピーチを行ったが、その時の熱弁ぶり--演説の途中で飲料水をがぶ飲みしたことが大きな話題になっていた。YouTubeにもその動画がたくさん上がっている。
Marco Rubio Drinking Water *ORIGINAL*
註7 Eva Longoria's Next Role: Hispanic Activist in Washington Eva Longoria: From Actress to Political Activist
Eva Longoria Speaks at the DNC 2012 FULL SPEECH HQ
註8 Max LevchinMax Levchin's Story from FWDus on Vimeo.
Max Levchin's StoryLevchinはPeter ThielととともにPayPalを立ち上げた起業家。何年か前には、SlideというサービスをGoogleに1億8200万ドルほどで売却したことも話題になっていた。
註9 Roughly twice as many American undergraduates earn degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math disciplines than go on to work in those fields.
註10 The H1-B program's fiercest critics, such as University of California, Davis computer science professor Norman Matloff, have long derided it as little more than a pipeline for cheap "indentured" labor. Companies are technically supposed to hire H1-B immigrants only if there are no Americans available to do the job, and then are required to pay them on par with U.S.-born professionals. Thanks to an array of legal loopholes in the way appropriate wages are calculated, though, it doesn't necessarily work out that way.
Often, it comes down to a matter of age: Companies frequently save money by hiring a young, less experienced immigrant instead of an older American who would command a higher salary. And because the bureaucratic hurdles make it difficult for H1-B holders to switch jobs -- particularly if they're stuck in line waiting for a green card -- guest workers have notorious difficulty bargaining for promotions or raises. They also can't go off and start their own businesses, as they'd lose their visa. Unlike green card holders, they're professionally chained in place.
The program has also fed the pernicious growth of IT outsourcing firms. These companies use H1-B visas to import low cost tech workers by the thousands, who they hire out to American corporations as substitutes for better-paid, in-house staff. The Boston Globe reports that just 4 of these companies -- New Jersey-based Cognizant Technology Solutions along with India-based Tata Consultancy Services, Wipro, and Infosys -- claimed 20 percent of the 134,780 H1-B visas that were approved in 2012.
In light of these concerns and what we now know about the "skills shortage," is there any way to justify expanding H1-B?
The Myth of America's Tech-Talent Shortage
註11 Starting salaries at leading companies for average computer science grads from top schools range from $75,000 to $100,000, plus signing and relocation bonuses worth $5,000 to $15,000, according to venture capitalists and recruiters. New hires may also get small equity grants, with stars getting additional cash bonuses or larger grants worth as much as 1% of the company.
Revenge of the Nerds: Tech Firms Scour College Campuses for Talentなお、こうしたお金(あぶく銭)のお陰で、シリコンバレーでは売春婦(夫?)もたいそう繁盛しているらしい。今年4月にCNNが取材していた話の中には、1時間あたり400~500ドルもとる売れっ子(累計で100万ドル近い稼ぎを上げたとか)へのインタビューや、スクウェア(Squire)のクレジット・カードリーダーまで準備している人の話なども出ていた。
High-tech sex workers in Silicon Valley
What Americans don't know about H-1B visas could hurt us all Two H-1B's walk into a bar: more on the visa scam
Bill Gates Urges Congress to Foster Innovation & Immigration
註14 “Our advertising decisions are being made by a very smart team of political operatives who know that passing major reform will require some different and innovative tactics,” Jim Breyer, a venture capitalist with Accel Partners and a contributor to the cause, said in an e-mailed statement. “I’m proud to support Fwd.Us as they work to pass comprehensive immigration reform.”
Silicon Valley Group’s Political Effort Causes Uproar
The group e-mailed statements from prominent backers, including a former Facebook executive, Chamath Palihapitiya, who argued that Fwd.Us needs to be “disruptive” in politics, as in commerce.
“In order to push Washington to do something different and pass major legislation like comprehensive immigration reform, groups like Fwd.Us can’t just do the same thing and expect different results,” he said. “As part of our work, we’re using a wide variety of tactics, some of which may ruffle some feathers, but we believe the passage of the bill will be worth it.”
Vinod Khosla, a venture capitalist who finances clean energy companies and who was once a major partner at Mr. Doerr’s investment firm, said on Twitter over the weekend: “Will Fwd.us prostitute climate destruction & other values to get a few engineers hired & get immigration reform?”
Silicon Valley Group’s Political Effort Causes Uproar
註15 超党派
この法案の起草者は「8人衆」(Gang of Eight)と呼ばれていて、そのなかには共和党のRubioのほか、大統領就任式で司会を務めたCharles Schumer(ニューヨーク州選出の民主党上院議員)なども含まれる。FWD.usが腕利きのロビイストを使っていることの表れとみることも可能かしれない。
Their lobbyists roamed the Senate corridors to make sure their appeals were considered in the closed-door negotiations among the Gang of Eight, which included Mr. Rubio and Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, who have been particularly receptive.
The bill has a good chance of winning passage in the Senate. The hardest sell will come in the House, where many conservative Republicans see the deal as too generous to immigrants who came to this nation illegally.
Latest Product From Tech Firms: An Immigration Bill
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