
サイバーセキュリティ予算でバブるワシントン--米NSAスキャンダルの落ち穂拾い - (page 3)


2013-06-13 15:23

註1 今回のAppleのWWDCにおける報道でも同様だった。
註2 ・Booz Allen Reaps Big Benefits From U.S. - NYTimes
註3 It reported revenues of $5.76 billion for the fiscal year ended in March and was No. 436 on Fortune’s list of the 500 largest public companies. The government provided 98 percent of that revenue, the company said. ... Booz Allen earned $1.3 billion, 23 percent of the company’s total revenue, from intelligence work during its most recent fiscal year. ... As evidence of the company’s close relationship with government, the Obama administration’s chief intelligence official, James R. Clapper Jr., is a former Booz Allen executive. The official who held that post in the Bush administration, John M. McConnell, now works for Booz Allen. ・Leaker’s Employer Is Paid to Maintain Government Secrets - NYTimes
註4 ・Booz Allen’s Role in N.S.A. Case Puts Spotlight on Carlyle - NYTimes
註5 With a total of 121 million shares outstanding after the IPO, Booz Allen Hamilton will go public with a market capitalization of about $2.2 billion, based on a price of $18 a share. ・$252 million Booz Allen IPO awaits - MarketWatch

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