
孫社長いわくの「早期のV字回復」なるか--ネットワーク更新で苦労する米スプリント - (page 3)


2013-08-02 07:30

註1 Sprint posts Q2 loss of $1.6B as 2M subscribers drop off
註2 “I expect Sprint would make a V-shaped recovery at an early stage,” Son said. SoftBank Profit Beats Estimates on Japan Subscriber Boost
註3 Why Sprint is taking its sweet time with 4G LTE
註4 Verizon hits 500 LTE markets as focus shifts to coverage over speed
註5 AT&T LTE stretches into 35 new markets
註6 T-Mobile flips on LTE switch in 116 cities total
註7 Sprint extends LTE coverage to 41 new markets
註8 Sprint to launch LTE on 1900 MHz spectrum by mid-2012
註9 The company recently introduced a mobile hotspot able to ride on three different bands of spectrum -- Sprint's LTE band, the former Nextel band (to be repurposed for Sprint's LTE), and Clearwire's band. Can Sprint put the 'pedal to metal' on its comeback plans?

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