註1 ・Icahn Takes 'Large' Bite of Apple Stock - WSJ ・Carl Icahn Discloses ‘Large’ Stake in Apple in Tweet - Bloomberg ・Carl Icahn Makes a Large Investment in Apple - AllThingsD ・Carl Icahn tweets about large stake in Apple, chat with CEO - CNET ・Carl Icahn’s private conversation with Tim Cook suggests Apple can still “wow” - GigaOM
註2 ・Oracle's Larry Ellison predicts dark days ahead for Apple without Steve Jobs - The Verge ・Larry Ellison Says We Already Know What Apple Without Jobs Will Look Like - AllThingsD ・Larry Ellison Hints That Apple Is Doomed Without Steve Jobs - Business Insider
註3 There is now on the board level a recognition that something needs to be done about the future in terms of what's in pipeline, what they are going to do in the future and are they innovating enough and is Tim Cook innovating enough as CEO... Fox News says Apple board concerned about pace of innovation - CNET
註4 いろいろと話題のGoogle Glass(来年には一般にも発売予定)に加え、このところGoogleが出してきたものの中には、Chromecast(Apple TVをターゲットに、35ドルという超安値の価格設定)、Chromebook Pixel(Retinaディスプレイを上回る解像度で、しかもタッチパネル搭載)、Nexus 7 (2nd、iPadと比肩する高解像度のディスプレイとバッテリー駆動時間)、そしてMotorolaのフラッグシップ・スマートフォンMoto X(例の「OK、Google Now」という音声操作などタッチレス操作が自慢)などがある。検索広告で稼いでいる会社であることを思わず忘れそうになる(ハードウェア分野)の手数の多さと思える。
註5 ・Apple Said to Prepare Holiday Refresh of IPhones to IPads - Bloomberg ・Apple's next iPhone: piecing together the rumors - The Verge