「いちいち長い記事を読んでる暇はない」から「短時間でざっと感じがわかるものがほしい」というニーズが最近ではどこでも増えているのだろうか。今回のiPhoneレビューについても、複数の記事から目に付いた点をピックアップして紹介する「まとめ」記事のようなものが目立った。以下はそんな記事の一部。What the iPhone 5S Reviews Say--Digits(WSJ)
Review Roundup: The iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C--Bits(NYTimes)
Apple's iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S: The reviews are in--Apple 2.0(Fortuen)
Here’s What They’re Saying About the New iPhones--AllThingsD
iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s reviews: Pretty, powerful and still leading the pack--GigaOM各まとめ記事の冒頭にはそれぞれ次のような一節があり、いずれも評判の良さに言及した箇所がある。
The long procession of iPhone 5 reviews are marching by as launch day arrives Friday. There is no getting around it: the reviews are universally positive, with many calling the latest refresh of Apple's smartphone the best in class. (What the iPhone 5S Reviews Say--Digits)
A small number of technology journalists have had their hands on Apple’s new iPhones for about a week. And this time they had two phones to evaluate instead of one. The consensus among reviewers was generally very positive. (Review Roundup: The iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C--Bits)
Apple should be pleased with the notices that came in overnight. All the reviewers so far have liked the new iPhones. The only question was which device they liked best. (Apple's iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S: The reviews are in--Apple 2.0)
The first reviews of the device and its “unapologetically plastic” sibling the iPhone 5c published Tuesday evening, and they’re largely glowing with a few minor quibbles. (Here’s What They’re Saying About the New iPhones--AllThingsD)
After reading multiple reviews, I saw little in the way of negatives and plenty of positives, ranging from performance, battery life, camera use and the general consistency of the new Touch ID fingerprint security system.(iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s reviews: Pretty, powerful and still leading the pack--GigaOM)
Anand Lal Shimpi(Anandtech)--Digits、Bits、Apple 2.0、AllThingsD、GigaOM
Walt Mossberg(AllThingsD/WSJ)--Digits、Bits、Apple 2.0、AllThingsD、GigaOM
David Pogue(New York Times)--Digits、Bits、Apple 2.0、AllThingsD、GigaOM
Rich Jaroslovsky(Bloomberg)--Digits、Bits、Apple 2.0、AllThingsD
Scott Stein(CNET)--Digits、Apple 2.0、AllThingsD
Myriam Joire(Engadget)--Digits、Apple 2.0、AllThingsD、GigaOM
Darrell Etherington(TechCrunch)--Digits, Apple 2.0、AllThingsD
Edward C. Baig(USA Today)--Digits、AllThingsD、GigaOM
John Gruber(Daring Fireball)--Digits、Apple 2.0
It means, for one thing, that the biggest reason for the performance and power consumption improvements going from the A6 to A7 is the switch from the ARMv7 to ARMv8 architectures, not 32- to 64-bit.The iPhone 5S and 5C--Darling Fireball
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