


2013-08-19 14:10

2013年8月19日 株式会社ヒューベースi(本社:東京都目黒区 代表取締役:吉原大二 資本金:1億円)は、株式会社ハッピープロジェクト(本社:福岡県中央区 代表取締役:田上公雅 資本金:1千万円)が企画・制作した、寿司をモチーフしたスーシーズの各ネタのキャラクター達を“握って、集める”ことができるクレーンゲームとしてAndroid版をGooglePlayにて世界191ヶ国で一斉にローンチした。ローンチ後4日間で10,000ダウンロードを突破した。




世界展開:日本では日本語版、海外では英語版で展開。韓国では韓国のパートナーであるN2G、LGU+、Nolpan Designの3社の協力を得て、言語及びプロモーションも韓国にローカライズしての展開となる。


スーシーズとは:株式会社ハッピープロジェクトが制作した寿司ネタをモチーフしたキャラクターで、まぐろー君(Tuna Boy)えびちゃん(Shrimppy)あなごさん(Uncle S.E.)うににん(Sea Urchinist)いなりくん(Inarian)わさび(Wasabin Radin)などお馴染みのネタがそれぞれユニークでカワイイキャラとして立っている。



本件に関するお問い合わせ先:株式会社ヒューベースi 担当:山根、黄
〒153-0051 東京都目黒区上目黒2-9-1 中目黒GS第1ビル7F  Tel: 03-5725-5022  Fax: 03-5725-5023
Email:info@hubase-i.net  Company URL: (リンク »)  

(リンク »)  

スーシーズCatcher3D ランディングページ
(リンク »)  

※GooglePlayとAndroidは、Google Inc.の商標または登録商標です。
※AppStoreとiOSは、Apple Inc.の商標または登録商標です。

【Press Release】
August 19th, 2013
Hubase-i, Inc.

Global Launch of “Susheez Catcher 3D - come and get’em all!”

Hubase-i, Inc. has released an Android game app called “Susheez Catcher 3D - come and get’em all!” on Google Play of 191 countries all over the world simultaneously. Susheez Catcher 3D has exceeded 10,000 downloads within four days since its release. This game will allow users to enjoy the well-known arcade game, claw crane on their phone. Sushi characters planned and designed by happyproject,inc., “Susheez” are available as for the prizes.

Outline: This 3D crane game which allows users to grab and collect adorable sushi characters

(Available for free but charges may occur due to some actions)

Users can use the points obtained or purchased to:
1. Visually move the “box with characters” to 5 different directions (front, right, left, up, back).
2. Change the background scene to sushi shop, Egypt, space, etc.
3. Upgrade the claw and the joystick to grab the prizes more easily.
4. Get high scores and compete with people all around world by grabbing rare characters, making combos, etc.

Current Global Expansion:
The game will be released in English version, in Japanese version, and in Korean version.
As for in Korean version, we are emerging cooperation with 3 Korean partners, named N2G, LGU, and Nolpan Design in order to localize the language and promotion in Korea.

Further Global Expansion:
iOS version will be launched at the end of August. We’re also planning and ready to increase partnership with non-English speaking regions at any time if and when necessary.
What is “Susheez.”?
Characters designed based on famous sushi toppings, planned and produced by happyproject,inc..
Some of the unique and cute characters are Tuna Boy, Shrimppy, Uncle S.E., Sea Urchinist, Inarian, and Wasabin Radin.

A company that creates happy characters and animations for people around the world.

Hubase-i, Inc.:
A company that plans, produces, and distributes exciting digital contents for local and global market.

For further inquiries:
Hubase-i, Inc. (Ask for: Mr.Yamane or Mr.Hwang)
Nakameguro GS1 Building 7F, Kami-meguro 2-9-1, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 153-0051
Tel: +81-3-5725-5022  Fax: +81-3-5725-5023
Email: info@hubase-i.net  Company URL: (リンク »)  

GooglePlay『Susheez Catcher3D』
(リンク »)  

Susheez Catcher3D landing page
(リンク »)

※GooglePlay and Android are a trademark or registered trademark of Google Inc.
※AppStore and iOS are a trademark or registered trademark of Apple Inc.
※In addition, all sorts of names, company names, and product names listed in this release are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies.

プレスリリース提供:PRTIMES (リンク »)



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