ISRがYubicoとのパートナーシップを締結、CloudGateがYubiKey(R) OTPに対応


From: DreamNews

2014-07-31 09:30

株式会社インターナショナルシステムリサーチ(本社:東京都杉並区、以下「ISR」)が提供するGoogle Apps(TM)対応クラウド型セキュリティソリューション「CloudGate(クラウドゲート)」は、2008年の日本でのサービス開始以来、Google Apps(TM)のエコシステムとともに成長を続け、2014年6月現在、日本を含む世界中の企業1000社55万ユーザーに利用されています。小規模な法律事務所から、社員4万人以上の金融機関まで、幅広い規模の企業が導入しています。


ISRのファウンダー、CEOのラウル・メンデスは、「多くの企業では、モバイル端末からのアクセスを可能にする必要があっても、社内からのアクセスのみを許可しています。これは、セキュリティと使いやすさについて懸念があるためです。USBベースのYubiKey(R) OTPへの対応により、CloudGateのセキュリティとユーザビリティは大幅に向上すると考えています」と述べています。


Yubico社のファウンダー、CEOであるスティナ・エレンスバード(Stina Ehrensvard)氏は「当社は、YubiKey(R)が提供する高度なセキュリティと他に例を見ない使いやすさをISRと共同して提供できることを非常に楽しみにしております」と述べています。

株式会社インターナショナルシステムリサーチ(ISRについて): 1993年、東京に設立されたインターナショナルシステムリサーチ(ISR)は、インターネット黎明期の頃から、法人向けのセキュリティおよびビジネス関連アプリケーションおよびサービスを開発し、2008年にはGoogle Enterprise Partner(GEP)に認定されました。2008年より提供を開始したCloudGate認証サービスは、現在、日本市場のシェア30%以上を誇る、Google Apps(TM)対応認証のリーディングサービスに成長しています。今後もISRは、更なる顧客満足度の向上を目指して、高品質の製品・サービス提供に努めてまいります。

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ISR Announces a Strategic Partnership with Yubico and Unveils CloudGate OTP Option Using YubiKey(R)

Palo Alto, CA: The CloudGate authentication service for Google Apps(TM) started in December of 2008 in Japan, and since then it has grown along with the Google Apps(TM) ecosystem reaching 550,000 users in 1,000 Japanese and international companies in June of this year. Customers range from small law firms to 40,000 employee insurance companies.

CloudGate offers both ease of use and multifactor authentication security for a wide range of devices. Typically, end users sign on to the service from their office PCs in the morning, but as working hours are increasingly being spent outside the office environment, more and more users require access to the service through their smartphones and tablet but concerns about security and ease-of-use limit mobile use (less than 20% of daily accesses originate from mobile devices).

“Even though there is a strong need to enable mobile access for their employees, many companies allow only on-premise access because of security and ease-of-use considerations. We believe that by including support for the USB based YubiKey OTP, CloudGate’s security and usability will be greatly improved,” said Raul Mendez, CEO and founder of ISR corporation.

Starting October 1st, Cloud Gate will start offering a limited preview of YubiKey(R) authentication technology from Yubico, the leading provider of simple and secure online identity protection. Complete integration of YubiKey authentication in CloudGate’s services is expected to follow by the end of the year. The YubiKey is a strong authentication hardware solution that works instantly with computers and mobile devices for a range of Internet and enterprise applications. The device uniquely combines driverless USB and NFC authentication hardware with open source software. More than a million users in over 130 countries rely on the YubiKey for securing access to networks, computers and online services. Customers range from individual Internet users to e-governments and Fortune 100 companies.

"We look forward to working with ISR to demonstrate the unmatched ease of use and the superior level of security that the YubiKey provides," said Stina Ehrensvard, CEO and founder of Yubico.

About International Systems Research Co. (ISR)
ISR, established in 1993 in Tokyo, is a certified Google Enterprise Partner(GEP) since 2008 that has been developing security and business related applications and services for the enterprise market since the early era of the Internet. Since 2008 ISR has offered the CloudGate Authentication service, which is Japan’s leading authentication service for Google Apps(TM) with more than 30% market share. The company is built on customer satisfaction, and as such will continue providing high quality products and services based directly on clients' needs.

Media Contacts
Aaron Szteinbaum
Business Development
ISR US Branch Office
(650) 521-0492








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