
ブーズ・アレンの「マッチポンプ」--米NSAスキャンダルの落ち穂拾い - (page 3)


2013-07-03 06:00

註1 Washington Post記事 NSA revelations put Booz Allen Hamilton, Carlyle Group in uncomfortable limelight
註2 NYTimes記事 After Profits, Defense Contractor Faces the Pitfalls of Cybersecurity
註3 Businesssweekの特集記事 Booz Allen, the World's Most Profitable Spy Organization
註4 Dick Cheney
註5 Jack Lew
註6 ack Lew Oversaw Up to 113 Cayman Island Investment Funds
註7 Henry Paulson
註8 Robert Rubin
註9 About 70 percent of the 2013 U.S. intelligence budget is contracted out, according to a Bloomberg Industries analysis; the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) says almost a fifth of intelligence personnel work in the private sector.
Booz Allen, the World's Most Profitable Spy Organization - Businessweek
註10 People in intelligence tend to divide contract work into three tiers. In the first tier are the least sensitive and most menial jobs: cutting the grass at intelligence facilities, emptying the trash, sorting the mail. In classified facilities even the janitors need security clearances―the wastebaskets they’re emptying might contain national secrets. That makes these jobs particularly hard to fill, since most people with security clearances are almost by definition overqualified for janitorial work. Snowden, with his computer expertise, fit in the middle tier: people with specialized skills. ...... Also in this tier are translators, interrogators, and investigators who handle background checks for government security clearances. .... Booz Allen competes for some of that work, but it tends to focus on the highest tier: big contracts that can involve everything from developing strategies to defeat al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to designing software systems to writing speeches for senior officials.
Booz Allen, the World's Most Profitable Spy Organization - Businessweek
註11 According to the ODNI, a typical contractor employee costs $207,000 a year, while a government counterpart costs $125,000, including benefits and pension. ・Booz Allen, the World's Most Profitable Spy Organization - Businessweek
註12 Trailblazer was originally set to cost $280 million and take 26 months. Booz Allen was part of a five-company consortium working on the project. (SAIC was the lead contractor.) “In Trailblazer, NSA is capturing the best of industry technology and experience to further their mission,” Booz Allen Vice President Marty Hill said in a 2002 press release. In 2006, when the program shut down, it had failed to meet any of its goals, and its cost had run into the billions of dollars. An NSA inspector general report found “excessive labor rates for contractor personnel,” without naming the contractors. Several NSA employees who denounced the waste were fired; one, a senior executive named Thomas Andrews Drake, was charged under the Espionage Act after he spoke to a reporter. (The charges were eventually dropped.) A U.S. Department of Homeland Security computer systems contract awarded to Booz Allen around the same time had similar issues. Over the course of three years, costs exploded from the original $2 million to $124 million, in large part, auditors at the Government Accountability Office would later report, because of poor planning and oversight. ・Booz Allen, the World's Most Profitable Spy Organization - Businessweek
註13 "Shadow Empire - The company that spies for America" ・Booz Allen, the World's Most Profitable Spy Organization - Businessweek
註14 WASHINGTON ― When the United Arab Emirates wanted to create its own version of the National Security Agency, it turned to Booz Allen Hamilton to replicate the world’s largest and most powerful spy agency in the sands of Abu Dhabi. ... “They are teaching everything,” one Arab official familiar with the effort said. “Data mining, Web surveillance, all sorts of digital intelligence collection.” ・After Profits, Defense Contractor Faces the Pitfalls of Cybersecurity - NYTimes
註15 a yottabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000GB 1,000 gigabytes is a terabyte. 1,000 terabytes is a petabyte. 1,000 petabytes is an exabyte. 1,000 exabytes is a zettabyte. 1,000 zettabytes is a yottabyte. ・NSA to store yottabytes in Utah data centre - CNET
註16 The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)
註17 Spies Like Us: How We All Helped Build Prism

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