
難航が予想されるマイクロソフトの新CEO選び - (page 3)


2013-08-26 22:39

註 Bill Gates and the board of directors are going to need a kind of miracle to find the perfect candidate to transform Microsoft.

Ballmer: Microsoft has 'all its best days ahead.' Oh really? - CNET


Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to Retire. What Happens Next Won't Be Pretty - Businessweek
Microsoft CEO Ballmer to Retire Within Next 12 Months - Bloomberg
Ballmer Announces Retirement From Microsoft - NYTimes
CEO Exit Sets Microsoft on New Path - WSJ

Steve Ballmerのインタビュー(ZDNet.com "All About Microsoft”ブログ

Microsoft's Ballmer on his biggest regret, the next CEO and more - ZDNet
Microsoft's Ballmer: Why Microsoft doesn't want to be IBM (or Apple) and more - ZDNet


Microsoft's next CEO: Who's on the short list? - ZDNet
CEO Exit Sets Microsoft on New Path - WSJ
Beyond Ballmer: who will be Microsoft's next CEO? - The Verge
With Ballmer ceding Microsoft’s top job, let the handicapping begin - GigaOM
Who Will Be the Next Microsoft CEO? - Digits (WSJ)
Readers Suggest Who Might Be Microsoft’s Next CEO - Digits (WSJ)
Replacing Ballmer: Eight Candidates for Microsoft's Top Job - Businessweek
Ballmer Exit Leaves Microsoft Searching for Hero in Slump - Bloomberg
Microsoft Said Not to Consider Gates for CEO Role After Ballmer - Bloomberg

Steve Ballmer、CEOとしての評価など

Ballmer: Microsoft has 'all its best days ahead.' Oh really? - CNET
For Ballmer, Resistance Was Futile - AllThingsD
Why Steve Ballmer Failed - The New Yorker
Steve Ballmer Failed to Take Microsoft Beyond the PC - Bloomberg
How Ballmer Missed the Tidal Shifts in Tech - NYTimes
Ballmer’s Greatest Hits and Misses as Microsoft’s Chief Deal Maker - NYTimes

Better Late Than Never? Ballmer Product Pipeline Shows a Very Mixed Record for Microsoft.
- AllThingsD
The GigaOM Report Card: Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO - GigaOM
The Rise and Fall of Windows Mobile, Under Ballmer - NYTimes
Microsoft's next CEO needs that "Vision Thing" - CITEWorld


Microsoft shares surge on Ballmer retirement news - CNET
Ballmer Fortune Up $786 Million as Microsoft CEO Retires - Bloomberg


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