マーサー、短期インセンティブ(Short-Term Incentive:STI)に関するグローバル調査結果を発表

Pay data: 2012 short-term incentive predictions highlight patchy global business confidence

マーサー ジャパン株式会社

2012-05-31 00:00

•STI trends indicate declining business confidence in Asia Pacific, Latin America and North America; cautious optimism in EEMEA, Australia, New Zealand •UK and Western Europe STI 2012 payout predictions for executives suggest business confidence is static although financial targets will be met
マーサーは今般、短期インセンティブ(Short-Term Incentive: STI)に関するグローバルの調査レポートである‘Short-Term Incentives around the World’を発表した。

 こうした観点から経営層(Top Management)および上級経営幹部層(Executive)の短期インセンティブの見通しを通じて各地域の動向をみると、アジア太平洋地域、中南米、北米では、これまでの成長にかげりが見え始めている可能性がある。東ヨーロッパ、中東、アフリカ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドは、不確かながら楽観的な傾向を示している。英国と西ヨーロッパは、ユーロ危機にも関わらず、短期インセンティブの目標額は比較的安定している模様である。

 ‘Short-Term Incentives around the World’では、各国・地域ごとに「経営層(Top Management)および上級経営幹部層(Executive)」を含む各階層や、人事や財務、営業などの各職種における短期インセンティブに関するグローバルの調査結果(基本給に対する実績支給額・目標額の割合など)を掲載している。

Hong Kong, May 31, 2012 - Pay data released by Mercer on the use of Short-Term Incentives (STIs) has highlighted surprising indications of nascent business confidence in Western and Eastern Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Middle East. The data, taken from 21,000 companies in 62 countries also indicates a weakening in confidence for companies in Asia Pacific, Latin America and North America.

The data comes from Mercer’s ‘Short-Term Incentives around the World’ report which draws on annual incentive information from over 7.6 million employees across the globe. For this release, Mercer analysed STI data from Executives / Top Management to gain insights into company confidence that their financial targets will be met.

“An STI is remuneration based on annual performance against set criteria and STIs form an important part of the remuneration package for key employees and senior executives,” explains Hans Kothuis, Mercer’s Asia Pacific Rewards Leader. “A key criterion for the funding of bonus awards is successful company performance. So, if a company is predicting that it will pay out less to executives in 2012 than it did in 2011 - as our data shows is happening in certain regions – it indicates that companies expect their financial performance to be worse in 2012 than in 2011. The reverse is also true.”

“STI predictions for 2012 are a good reflection of business confidence”, he added, “Based on our data, there is better confidence in Western and Eastern Europe but evidence of a weakening in confidence in the Americas and Asia Pacific. Business sentiment and economic conditions can change rapidly so we’d anticipate seeing some difference in the actual amounts distributed.”

In 2011, eighty-three percent of executive and top management in North America received some form of STI and average actual payouts averaged 38.9% of base salary, far in excess of any other region. This was higher than the amounts predicted in 2010 (35.3%) which is indicative of the improved economic outlook during this period. For 2012, however, the outlook appears less rosy with companies predicting an average 37.5% payout. Companies in Latin America are also pessimistic, predicting an average 2012 payout of 19.7% a substantial drop from the 27.5% paid out in 2011.

Western Europe
The percentage of executives receiving STIs has remained broadly stable over the past three years hovering around the 75% mark. Companies in Western Europe tend to focus less on STIs as part of the pay mix. Predicted STI payouts for 2012 (19.7%) is broadly static compared with what was paid out in 2011 (19.6%). This small short-term increase suggests no notable increase, or drop, in business confidence, despite the Euro crisis. The longer three year trend is upwards. While actual payouts in 2009 were 17.3%, they were 17.3% in 2010 and 19.6% in 2011.

Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (EEMEA)
The trend on the percentages of executives receiving STI awards across 2009- 2012 is broadly static in EEMEA but the size of awards is gradually increasing from 17.9% in 2009 to 18.9% in 2011. Even though the 2011 payments were less than predicted (19.7%), higher payouts are still predicted in 2012 (19.5%) indicating great confidence that financial targets will be met.

Asia Pacific, New Zealand and Australia
The percentage of executives receiving STIs is increasing in New Zealand and Australia from 56% of executives in 2009 to 67% in 2011. The longer, three-year trend from 2009 to 2012 on STIs as a percentage of base salary across Asia-Pac and Australia/New Zealand is upwards, with awards increasing by 2.3% and 2.6% respectively.

However, the data suggests that in the short-term confidence is dipping. In 2010, companies in Asia-Pac predicted STI payouts for 2011 to be 22.2%, yet actual payments were higher at 23.3%. This reflected the economic confidence of the region. In contrast, predicted payouts in 2012 are expected to be 22.1% suggesting a more cautious outlook. Employers in New Zealand and Australia are an exception here, anticipating a marginal increase in 2012 – from 21.6% paid out in 2011 to 21.9% expected this year.

Outside the executive suite, the report highlights that companies are looking at adjusting their use of variable pay to help manage the cost of labour which is a major factor for most organisations. While the high unemployment rate has brought down hiring costs, the soaring cost of training and educating new talent restrains employers from “buying talent” rather than “building” their own. The size of potential awards and the eligibility for them are directly related to an employee’s level and role within a company. As with other types of remuneration, STI size and eligibility differ by region and country.

“To stay within tight budgets and effectively motivate their skilled workforce,” said Dr Kothuis, “many companies are shifting more employee compensation from a fixed-pay approach to one that relies more on variable compensation, but with increased linkage on tying the funding of plans to company performance, and more focus on the distribution of awards to those who truly contribute to that business performance.”

“While some industry sectors like Financial Services are reducing their use of STIs in response to regulatory pressures, they remain an essential part of the wider remuneration mix,” he said. “STIs can be used at all employee levels to focus employee behaviour and performance on metrics that relate to its success. This is affordable from a company’s perspective because awards are typically tied to specific, measurable, agreed-upon financial performance goals – often related to incremental revenue or profits”.


Notes for editors
The data was compiled between April and October 2011 depending on the country. 'Executive / Top Management' is defined as: “The most senior employees, who generally include top executives and directors, or employees with managerial responsibilities at the top level of a business unit or company. Executives focus on defining corporate strategies”.

Short-term incentives (also known as “pay-for-performance”) provide employers with the flexibility of determining the share of fixed and variable components of an employees pay. They are referred to as STIs as they are based on annual performance - rather than stock plans that are long-term in nature. Employee remuneration considers compensation, benefits, career development and work/lifestyle balance and STIs can also be part of the total rewards approach. Effectively designed, STI plans align employee performance objectives with those of the company. They enable employees to receive remuneration in addition to their annual fixed salary, guaranteed allowances and benefits.

About Mercer
Mercer is a global leader in human resource consulting and related services. The firm works with clients to solve their most complex human capital issues by designing and helping manage health, retirement and other benefits. Mercer’s 20,000 employees are based in more than 40 countries. Mercer is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies (NYSE: MMC), a global team of professional services companies offering clients advice and solutions in the areas of risk, strategy and human capital. With 52,000 employees worldwide and annual revenue exceeding $10 billion, Marsh & McLennan Companies is also the parent company of Marsh, a global leader in insurance broking and risk management; Guy Carpenter, a global leader in providing risk and reinsurance intermediary services; and Oliver Wyman, a global leader in management consulting. For more information, visit www.mercer.com. Follow Mercer on Twitter @MercerInsights

マーサー (英語社名: Mercer、本社: ニューヨーク、社長兼CEO: Julio A. Portalatin)は、世界40カ国以上、約180都市において、コンサルティング、アウトソーシング、インベストメント分野で25,000社以上の クライアントにサービスを提供するグローバル・コンサルティング・ファームです。世界各地に在籍する20,000名以上のスタッフがクライアントの皆様の パートナーとして多様な課題に取り組み、最適なソリューションを総合的に提供しています。日本においては、30余年の豊富な実績とグローバルネットワーク を活かし、あらゆる業種の企業・公共団体に対するサービス提供を行っています。組織変革、人事制度構築、福利厚生・退職給付制度構築、M&Aアド バイザリー・サービス、グローバル人材マネジメント基盤構築、給与データサービス、年金数理、年金資産運用など、「人・組織」を基盤とした幅広いコンサル ティング・サービスを提供しています。マーサーは、ニューヨーク、シカゴ、ロンドン証券取引所に上場している、マーシュ・アンド・マクレナン・カンパニー ズ(証券コード: MMC)グループの一員です。
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マーシュ・アンド・マクレナン・カンパニーズ (ニューヨーク証券取引所コード: MMC) は、グローバルプロフェッショナルサービスを提供する企業グループとして、顧客企業にリスク、戦略、人材分野の助言とソリューションを提供しています。
マーシュ・アンド・マクレナン・カンパニーズはマーシュ(保険仲介とリスクマネジメント)、ガイカーペンター(再保険仲介・コンサルティング)、マーサー (組織・人事マネジメント・コンサルティング)、そしてオリバーワイマン(戦 略コンサルティング)から構成されており、全世界に52,000名の従業員を擁し、100ヶ国以上で顧客に分析、アドバイスを行い、各種取引を支援してい ます。
当グループは責任ある企業市民として事業展開しているコミュニティに貢献しています。詳しい企業情報については www.mmc.com、今日企業が直面する課題に取り組む当グループの国際的な実務能力とソリューションについては www.PartneringImpact.com をご覧ください。

マーサー ジャパン株式会社
小原 香恋 Karen Ohara
Tel: 03 5354 1674, pr.japan@mercer.com

03-5354-1540 hcas.japan@mercer.com
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