The Ten Best Places to See Cherry Blossom in Kyoto

Human Resocia Co.,Ltd.

2020-03-05 08:00

It is not long now before the hanami (花見, cherry blossom viewing) season is upon us. One of the most famous locations to view the sakura (桜, cherry blossom) is Kyoto.
It is not long now before the hanami (花見, cherry blossom viewing) season is upon us. One of the most famous locations to view the sakura (桜, cherry blossom) is Kyoto. Usually the cherry blossoms bloom in Kyoto between late March and early April. However, this year the cherry blossoms are forecast to open much earlier, with the first blossoms appearing around March 20 th, and the best time to view them should be between the 25th and 31st. Nevertheless much depends on the area of Kyoto that you visit, and also on the variety of cherry tree as some types bloom later than others. The truth is Kyoto has so many wonderful locations to view cherry blossoms that it can be rather hard to choose where to go. In this article, we list some of the most famous cherry blossom viewing sites in Kyoto. Where will you view the sakura in 2020?

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