Teaching of a Samurai Engineer 8: Cookies and Sessions, part 2 (Implementation: Cookies)

Human Resocia Co.,Ltd.

2020-04-09 08:00

Teaching of a Samurai Engineer 8:  Cookies and Sessions, part 2 (Implementation: Cookies) Last time, we mostly looked at the difference between cookies and sessions (relating to PHP-provided sessions.
Teaching of a Samurai Engineer 8:  Cookies and Sessions, part 2 (Implementation: Cookies)

Last time, we mostly looked at the difference between cookies and sessions (relating to PHP-provided sessions.

This time, let’s go a bit heavy on the code, and learn about things to watch out for during implementation.
First, whether for cookies or sessions, at the end you will output a Cookie (HTTP response header).
Thus, while it depends on your php. ini’s settings (output_buffering), writing code like below can get you an error that reads ‘Warning: session_start (): Cannot start session when headers already sent in’ or ‘Warning: Cannot modify header information — headers already sent by’.

(Please see below for the rest)
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このサイトでは、利用状況の把握や広告配信などのために、Cookieなどを使用してアクセスデータを取得・利用しています。 これ以降ページを遷移した場合、Cookieなどの設定や使用に同意したことになります。
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