Japanese Wedding Traditions vs. Current Practices

Human Resocia Co.,Ltd.

2020-04-30 16:00

Traditionally the Japanese celebrate their wedding in a shrine while wearing gorgeous kimonos and following a procession led by the kannushi (Shinto priest). From the perspective of an outsider, the event looks very sober and yet imposing probably due to the humility and spirituality that emanates from it.
Traditionally the Japanese celebrate their wedding in a shrine while wearing gorgeous kimonos and following a procession led by the kannushi (Shinto priest). From the perspective of an outsider, the event looks very sober and yet imposing probably due to the humility and spirituality that emanates from it. Some guests would be wearing either traditional wear or regular clothing which nevertheless would never compared with the sort of outfit guests wear outside Japan. The whole ceremony comes across as low-key compared with some other countries where opulence and flamboyance can be the effect they count on. That is unless you witness one of those celebrations at the famous Meiji shrine where a horde of foreign tourists will start chasing the peaceful procession to hassle the bride and groom with pictures.

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