The Top Ten Dreamy Japanese Ryokan – Part 1

Human Resocia Co.,Ltd.

2020-03-27 08:00

Ryokan (旅館) are traditional Japanese inns which are often located in rural resort areas and set amidst beautiful natural scenery. Usually they feature such elements as tatami flooring and futon bedding in the guest rooms, and communal bathing areas.
Ryokan (旅館) are traditional Japanese inns which are often located in rural resort areas and set amidst beautiful natural scenery. Usually they feature such elements as tatami flooring and futon bedding in the guest rooms, and communal bathing areas.

Ryokan (旅館) are traditional Japanese inns which are often located in rural resort areas and set amidst beautiful natural scenery. Usually they feature such elements as tatami flooring and futon bedding in the guest rooms, and communal bathing areas. Most ryokan serve both breakfast and dinner which feature the very best local ingredients. Ryokan can be expensive and you may ask yourself, is it really worth the cost? Well, staying in a ryokan is a great way to experience rare aspects of traditional Japanese culture such as architecture, interior design, hospitality, and regional cuisine. And a relaxing ryokan stay is certainly a great way to treat yourself. The best ryokan are those in onsen (温泉) hot spring spa areas where you can soak yourself in natural mineral waters. Here we recommend Japan’s most luxurious and beautiful ryokan with onsen.

(Please see below for the rest)
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