
米「中古iPhoneブーム」の光と影 - (page 3)


2013-06-07 20:25

註1 またそれ以前に、そもそも「頭金ゼロ」という販売方法が一般化していたこともわりと大きな違いになっているように思われる。日本はこれまで(iPhoneに限らず)最新型スマートフォン入手の敷居がとても低かったといえよう。
註2 ・A Booming Market for Used iPhones - Businessweek
註3 ・How The Long And Valuable Life Of The iPhone Is Helping Apple Find Important New Customers - Business Insider
註4 ・Consumers sitting on $9 billion in old iPhones - MarketWatch
註5 Business Insider記事には「中国の深セン(シンセン)に送られる」という記述もある。複数の業者が存在するのだろう。
註6 ・Apple, Samsung Face Grilling Over Stolen Smartphone Epidemic - HuffingtonPost
註7 About 1.6 million Americans had their smartphones stolen last year, according to Gascon, and around 40 percent of robberies in major cities now involve mobile devices, according to the Federal Communications Commission. ・Apple, Samsung Face Grilling Over Stolen Smartphone Epidemic - HuffingtonPost
註8 In San Francisco last year, nearly half of all robberies involved a cellphone, up from 36 percent the year before; in Washington, cellphones were taken in 42 percent of robberies, a record. In New York, theft of iPhones and iPads last year accounted for 14 percent of all crimes.
Cellphone Thefts Grow, but the Industry Looks the Other Way - NYTimes
註9 Mr. Gascon of San Francisco said that was not enough. “What I’m talking about is creating a kill switch so that when the phone gets reported stolen, it can be rendered inoperable in any configuration or carrier,” he said. Some security experts say such solutions are possible. One is software to prevent a phone from working after it is reported stolen, said Kevin Mahaffey, chief technology officer of Lookout, a mobile security firm.
Cellphone Thefts Grow, but the Industry Looks the Other Way - NYTimes
註10 When Sunah Yang bought an iPhone for her brother two years ago, she warned him about the white earbuds. Never wear them at night, she told him. They make you a target for thieves. “Obviously, he didn’t listen,” she said in a recent interview.
Apple Picking: How The iPhone Became An Object Worth Killing For - HuffingtonPost
註11 In 2009, federal agents arrested alleged Hezbollah operatives in Philadelphia for attempting to buy thousands of stolen cell phones and other electronics from an undercover officer and ship them to Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates. Authorities said the traffickers planned to use the profits to finance the Lebanese arm of the Shiite militant organization, which the United States considers to be a terrorist group.
Apple Picking: How The iPhone Became An Object Worth Killing For - HuffingtonPost
註12 ・iPhone takes 3 percent handset market share in India: analyst - ZDNet

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