


2010-10-20 12:00

マーケティングリサーチを行う株式会社クロス・マーケティング(代表取締役社長 五十嵐 幹 東京都中央区)は、米国の環境保護関連市場調査会社パイクリサーチ社の英文調査レポート「仮想発電所市場の分析と予測:需要反応、供給、電源の組合せ、仮想発電所の卸売オークション」の販売を開始しました。 詳細ページ:http://www.cross-shop.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=318

(東証マザーズ 3629)



■■ 要約 ■■

マーケティングリサーチを行う株式会社クロス・マーケティング(代表取締役社長 五十嵐 幹 東京都中央区)は、米国の環境保護関連市場調査会社パイクリサーチ社の英文調査レポート「仮想発電所市場の分析と予測:需要反応、供給、電源の組合せ、仮想発電所の卸売オークション」の販売を開始しました。

詳細ページ: (リンク »)

■■ 資料概要 ■■

この調査レポートは、世界の仮想発電所 (VPP)市場を調査し、ビジネスモデルや技術動向、法規制と政策要因などの詳細な調査結果や、将来性と成長見込みについて広範に分析しています。主要関連企業については、仮想発電所セクターにおける公益事業と技術提供会社のSWOTなどの概要を記載し、2015年までの仮想発電所の主要4セグメントの生産能力と収益を地域毎に予測しています。


仮想発電所(VPP)のソフトウエアシステムによって、多様化が進む発電、エネルギー貯蔵、需要削減アセットを効率よく管理することが出来るようになった。分散発電や貯蔵技術、デマンドレスポンスプログラムなどによって、発電電源の混合は、今後数年間でますます複雑になるだろう。米国の環境エネルギーなどの地球環境保護に関するクリーン技術関連市場の専門調査会社パイクリサーチ社の調査レポート「仮想発電所市場の分析と予測:需要反応、供給、電源の組合せ、仮想発電所の卸売オークション - Virtual Power Plants:Demand Response, Supply-Side, Mixed Asset, and Wholesale Auction VPPs: Market Analysis and Forecasts」は、世界の仮想発電所市場のキャパシティは、今後5年で倍増し、基本的なシナリオによっても、2009-2015年に19.4ギガワット(GW)から41.1ギガワットに上昇するだろうと報告している。2015年までに、世界の仮想発電所の収益は74億ドルに達するだろう。

「仮想発電所によって、電力会社は大規模なインフラを増設しなくても、発電と需要反応によって供給力を向上することができるようになる。このアプローチは、顧客だけでなく、配電元である電力会社にとっても、送電するグリッドオペレータにとっても、大いに利点がある。世界の発電市場で現在主流である化石燃料ベースの集中型の発電所に比べると、仮想発電所の第一のメリットは、顧客の利用状況に対応して、発電力を迅速に変えることができることである」とパイクリサーチ社のシニアアナリストPeter Asmus氏は語る。

Virtual Power Plant Capacity to Double in Size by 2015

■■ 目次 ■■

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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Guidelines
1.2 Market Forecast

2. Market Issues

2.1 Virtual Power Plants: Definitions and Key Components

2.1.1 U.S. Definition versus European (and the Rest of the World) Definition
2.1.2 Pike Research’s Working Definition

2.2 VPPs and Microgrids: Similarities and Contrasts
2.3 New Utility Business Models
2.4 VPPs and Smart Grid Trends
2.5 The Key to VPPs: Flexible Software-Based Aggregation & Optimization

2.6 The Business Value of VPPs

2.6.1 Better Generation Asset Utilization
2.6.2 Greater Flexibility in Meeting Power Demand
2.6.3 Synergy with Demand Response
2.6.4 Modular and Nimble Short-Term Supply Portfolios
2.6.5 Automated Load Dispatch
2.6.6 Economic & Environmental Optimization Strategies
2.6.7 Bridging the Divide Between Wholesale and Retail Markets

2.7 Current Market Opportunities

2.7.1 Smart Grid Upgrades
2.7.2 Climate Change Regulations
2.7.3 Trends toward Real-Time and Time-of-Use Pricing
2.7.4 IT Crossovers into Power Markets
2.7.5 Key Advantages of VPP over Microgrid

2.8 Implementation Issues

2.8.1 Current Consumer Backlash Against Smart Grid Rollouts
2.8.2 Lack of VPP Incentives & Policies
2.8.3 Lack of VPP Standards and Certifications
2.8.4 Emerging EMF and Other Health Concerns

3. Technology Issues

3.1 Distributed Energy Resource Technologies Overview

3.1.1 History of Distributed Energy Generation
3.1.2 Basic Principles of Distributed Energy Generation
3.1.3 Strengths and Weaknesses

3.2 Renewable Distributed Energy Generation: Solar PV, Small Wind, Biogas, & Fuel Cell

3.2.1 Solar PV
3.2.2 Small & Mid-Sized Wind Turbines
3.2.3 Biogas
3.2.4 Fuel Cells

3.3 Fossil Fuel-Based DER

3.3.1 Diesel Generators
3.3.2 Propane Generators
3.3.3 Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
3.3.4 Combustion Microturbines
3.3.5 Combined Heat and Power
3.3.6 Cost Ranges for All DEG/DER Resources

3.4 Demand Response Technologies and Program

3.4.1 Cost
3.4.2 Efficiency
3.4.3 Reliability
3.4.4 Scalability
3.4.5 Availability

3.5 Energy Storage Options

3.5.1 Batteries Lithium-Ion Batteries Sodium Sulfur Batteries Lead-Acid Batteries
3.5.2 Flywheels
3.5.3 Compressed Air Energy Storage
3.5.4 Pumped Hydro Energy Storage

3.6 Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles

3.6.1 Cost
3.6.2 Efficiency
3.6.3 Reliability
3.6.4 Scalability
3.6.5 Availability

3.7 Microgrids

3.7.1 Cost
3.7.2 Efficiency
3.7.3 Reliability
3.7.4 Scalability
3.7.5 Availability

3.8 Importance of Software

4. Key Industry Players

4.1 Utilities

4.1.1 Duke Energy
4.1.2 Energinet.dk
4.1.3 Xcel Energy

4.2 Large Non-Utility Players

4.2.1 Cisco
4.2.2 Schneider Electric
4.2.3 Siemens

4.3 VPP Technology & Hardware Providers

4.3.1 Encorp
4.3.2 PowerSecure

4.4 Demand Response Firms

4.4.1 Comverge
4.4.2 EnerNOC

4.5 VPP Software Providers

4.5.1 Ventyx
4.5.2 Verisae
4.5.3 Viridity Energy

5. Global VPP Regulatory Environment

5.1 VPP Legislative and Regulatory Summary

5.1.1 United States The Energy Independence and Security Act FERC Order Number 676-F FERC Order Number 719
5.1.2 European Union Denmark Germany United Kingdom Spain
5.1.3 Asia Pacific China Japan Korea Australia New Zealand
5.1.4 Rest of World

6. Market Forecasts

6.1 Market Overview

6.2 Key VPP Component Technology Market Forecasts

6.2.1 Solar PV
6.2.2 Mid-Sized Wind Turbines
6.2.3 Energy Storage
6.2.4 Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles
6.2.5 Microgrids

6.3 DR-Based VPP Market Forecast

6.3.1 Case Study: SmartGridCity in Boulder, Colorado
6.3.2 Global Overview
6.3.3 North America
6.3.4 Europe
6.3.5 Asia Pacific
6.3.6 Rest of World

6.4 Supply-Side VPPs

6.4.1 Combined Power Plants in Germany
6.4.2 Global Overview
6.4.3 North America
6.4.4 Europe
6.4.5 Asia Pacific
6.4.6 Rest of World

6.5 Mixed-Asset VPPs

6.5.1 Regenerative Modellregion Harz
6.5.2 Global Overview
6.5.3 North America
6.5.4 Europe
6.5.5 Asia Pacific
6.5.6 Rest of World

6.6 Wholesale Auction VPPs

6.6.1 DONG Energy
6.6.2 Global Overview
6.6.3 North America
6.6.4 Europe
6.6.5 Asia Pacific
6.6.6 Rest of World

7. Company Directory
8. Acronym and Abbreviation List
9. Table of Contents
10. Table of Charts and Figures
11. Scope of Study, Sources and Methodology, Notes

Table of Charts and Figures

Total Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Wholesale Auction Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Annual RDEG Technologies Capacity Additions, World Markets: 2007-2013
Mid-Sized Wind Market, Average Scenario, North America: 2007-2015
Energy Storage Installed Capacity by Technology, World Markets: 2009-2019
Electric Vehicle Sales, United States: 2010-2015
Microgrid Capacity, World Markets: 2010-2015
Demand Response Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Demand Response Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Supply-Side Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Supply-Side Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Mixed Asset Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Mixed Asset Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Wholesale Auction Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Wholesale Auction Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Total Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base, Average, & Aggressive Scenarios, World Markets: 2009-2015
Key VPP Components on Both Sides of the Meter
Smart Grid Topology
Diagram Displaying VPP Versatility
VPPs: Putting It All Together
Depiction of DR-VPP
Growing Market for Smart Grid Technology
Average Residential Price of Electricity: 1892-1970
Cutting Peak Demand via Distributed Generation
CHP Efficiency
Capital Costs of Selected DER Equipment
Installed Costs of Available DER Equipment
A Typical Residential Load Profile over a 24-Hour Day
Drivetrain Efficiency Comparison
Microgrid Payback Improves with Increased Market Penetration
Combined Power Plant Map
CPP Interplay Between Forecasts, Schedules, and Dynamic Demand
Map of “Reg Mod Harz” Resources
List of Tables

SWOT Analysis of VPPs
SWOT Analysis of DEG
Strengths & Weaknesses of Storage Technologies
Duke Energy SWOT Analysis
Energinet.dk SWOT Analysis
Xcel Energy SWOT Analysis
Cisco SWOT Analysis
Schneider Electric SWOT Analysis
Siemens SWOT Analysis
Encorp SWOT Analysis
PowerSecure SWOT Analysis
Comverge SWOT Analysis
EnerNOC SWOT Analysis
Ventyx SWOT Analysis
Verisae SWOT Analysis
Viridity Energy SWOT Analysis
Demand Response Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Base Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Demand Response Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Average Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Demand Response Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Aggressive Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Demand Response Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Demand Response Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Average Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Demand Response Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Aggressive Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Supply-Side Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Base Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Supply-Side Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Average Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Supply-Side Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Aggressive Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Supply-Side Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Supply-Side Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Average Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Supply-Side Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Aggressive Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Mixed Asset Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Base Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Mixed Asset Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Average Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Mixed Asset Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Aggressive Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Mixed Asset Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Mixed Asset Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Average Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Mixed Asset Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Aggressive Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Wholesale Auction Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Base Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Wholesale Auction Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Average Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Wholesale Auction Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Aggressive Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Wholesale Auction Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Wholesale Auction Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Average Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Wholesale Auction Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Aggressive Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Total Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Base Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Total Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Average Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Total Virtual Power Plant Capacity, Aggressive Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Total Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Base Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Total Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Average Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015
Wholesale Auction Virtual Power Plant Revenue, Aggressive Scenario, World Markets: 2009-2015

■■ 概要 ■■

商 品 名:仮想発電所市場の分析と予測:需要反応、供給、電源の組合せ、仮想発電所の卸売オークション
発 刊 日:2010年9月
発   行:パイクリサーチ社
販   売:株式会社クロス・マーケティング
価   格:US$ 3,500
判   型:112ページ


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NS-Shop 販売窓口担当

■■ 株式会社クロス・マーケティングについて ■■


■■ 株式会社クロス・マーケティング 会社概要 ■■

本社所在地:東京都中央区銀座8丁目15番2号 銀座COMビル6F
代表者:代表取締役社長 五十嵐 幹
URL: (リンク »)

■■ 本件に関するお問い合わせ先 ■■

Cross Shop 販売窓口担当


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