

From: 共同通信PRワイヤー

2014-09-02 16:00








EYA 代表取締役社長 松井晴彦は「ビジネスに多様性を取り入れることは今後ますますグローバル化が進む日本と日本企業にとって必要不可欠です。多様性に満ちた職場環境作りを通してクライアントのビジネスをさらに成長させるため、我々は多様性に満ちたプロフェッショナルチームを作りました。これは、よりよい社会づくりを掲げるEY自身の存在意義にも通じるものです。」とコメントしています。


EYアドバイザリーは日本におけるEYのメンバーファームとしてクライアントが抱えるさまざまな経営課題に対し、最先端かつグローバルな視点と実行力で各種最適なアドバイザリーサービスを提供しています。我々は“building a better working world“の実現のために、あらゆる業種・業界に対して人事・組織変革サービスを含めた様々なソリューションアプローチにより、クライアントのビジネスプロセスやファンクションの強化・向上を支援しております。サービスの詳細はwww.eyadvisory.co.jp/をご覧ください。



EY Advisory Co., Ltd. launches the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Services group

EY Advisory Co., Ltd. launches the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Services group and hires two executives dedicated to helping companies become more Diverse and Inclusive. This is the first attempt in Japan as a global accounting firm.

Ernst & Young Advisory Co., Ltd. (EY Advisory Japan) is proud to announce the formation of a dedicated Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) advisory group with Nancy Ngou, Partner and Janelle Sasaki, Executive Director, joining to lead the group as of 1 July 2014. The D&I advisory group, initially consisting of 5 dedicated professionals, provides service to businesses and governments that are committed to creating a diverse talent pool and an inclusive work environment as a business imperative. The diverse team has a passion for and wealth of practical experience designing and executing successful D&I strategies and solutions in Japan and overseas.

Nancy Ngou, has served US and Japanese multi-national companies and held numerous leadership positions during her 30 years with EY. Most recently, Nancy led the global integration and internationalization of Ernst & Young Tax Co. in Japan. Nancy has designed and implemented business, talent and D&I strategies and solutions in the US and Japan and has served as a member of the EY Americas and Global D&I Advisory boards.

Janelle, as the former D&I leader for Cisco Japan, led the creation and implementation of the D&I strategy and roadmap and served as a bridge builder between the US and Japan. Janelle has 15 years of global human resource strategy and program development experience for the IT, finance and services industries. Janelle is founder of the Japan D&I roundtable network, consisting of over 35 multi-national companies in Japan.

Diversity and inclusion is being sought by public and private organizations to enhance employee engagement, productivity, innovation, corporate growth and a stronger economy. The EY Advisory Japan D&I team will work with executives from Japanese and foreign companies to help them achieve their D&I objectives -- whether it is to increase and enable women’s success in the workforce or a broader objective of creating and enabling a diverse workforce with a multitude of differences such as backgrounds, cultures, generations, sexual orientation and work styles. The team will help create and execute a roadmap to develop an inclusive workplace with inclusive leadership skills, to successfully capitalize on the diverse perspectives and ideas, resulting in greater innovation and growth. The group is targeting to achieve $1 million in revenue the first year and $3 million thereafter.

Haruhiko Matsui, CEO of EY Advisory Japan stressed “We believe strongly that having businesses with greater diversity and inclusion benefit the people and businesses in Japan. This is why we have formed a diverse and highly experienced team to help businesses be even more successful through a diverse and inclusive environment. This aligns with EY’s purpose of building a better working world.”

A launch event is being held on 8 September 2014 with guest speaker, Beth Brooke, EY Global Vice-Chair of Regulatory and Public Policy. Beth is the executive sponsor of diversity and inclusiveness at EY and has been recognized 7 times on Forbe’s 100 Most Powerful Women’s list. At the launch event, Beth will lead a discussion with leaders from several Japanese and foreign-headquartered companies doing business in Japan, on how diversity and inclusion can be used as a competitive advantage to help fuel growth in the global marketplace.

About EY Advisory Co., Ltd
Ernst & Young Advisory Co., Ltd. is an EY member firm. Always present at the front line of business change, our advisors use their expertise and a global cooperative network so that they can provide a wide range of clients with advisory services to enhance their businesses. In this way, we contribute to building a better working world.
For more details, go to www.eyadvisory.co.jp.

For more information about D&I services, please contact EYAdvisoryD&I@jp.ey.com.







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