Living and Expenses in Tokyo

Human Resocia Co.,Ltd.

2020-02-10 16:00

In Japan, the Kanto region attracts the vast majority of people on account of the plentiful jobs and the convenience of living in one of the world’s most dynamic and modern cities. However, despite Tokyo’s huge size, newcomers may need to think small when choosing where to live.
In Japan, the Kanto region attracts the vast majority of people on account of the plentiful jobs and the convenience of living in one of the world’s most dynamic and modern cities. However, despite Tokyo’s huge size, newcomers may need to think small when choosing where to live.

Choosing where to live
While, the bulk of the metropolis’s population commute around 1 to 2 hours from their homes to their workplace, it’s entirely possible to live nearer — just don’t expect a spacious apartment. In central Tokyo, the rent for a very small one-room apartment can cost between 70,000 to 100,000 yen a month. However, in the greater Tokyo area you may obtain a larger place to live for a similar amount.

Moving-in deposits and fees
It has long been customary in Japan for new tenants to pay non-refundable key money called reikin to the landlord. This fee is in addition to the refundable shikikin deposit, which can be up to 3 month’s rent. Nowadays, key money is still common but there are also many apartments which no longer require this “thank you fee”. These apartments are typically administered by large, national letting agencies. The downside is that the letting agencies require further additional fees for acting as an intermediary between the tenant and the landlord.

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