Ojiya: beautiful any time of the year

Human Resocia Co.,Ltd.

2020-02-14 16:00

Ojiya (小千谷/おぢや) is a bit of a special city to me. Even before I lived anywhere in the same prefecture, it was a family destination for several trips.
Ojiya (小千谷/おぢや) is a bit of a special city to me. Even before I lived anywhere in the same prefecture, it was a family destination for several trips. A few years later, living a couple hours away, I felt enough of a connection to race there to help once it was hit by quakes; I was twelve at the time, so this was probably a lot less helpful than I wanted it to be. Still, I feel a very close tie to the city, for somewhere I’ve never lived in.

I try not to let that kind of bias decide too much of what I write about, so the actual reason I’m writing a piece on Ojiya is because it has so many things to see in it that it could easily fill two or three articles. I’m actually going to have to keep it brief and cut some things out just to make it fit in the amount of text I have.It’s a good place.

(Please see below for the rest)
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