Developers Summit 2020: A Report from one of Japan’s Largest Engineer Events

Human Resocia Co.,Ltd.

2020-04-22 16:00

The annual winter Developers Summit, one of Japan’s largest engineer events, was held February 13th and 14th 2020. This year, those two days saw 120 sessions in six tracks, with over 4,000 engineers in attendance.
The annual winter Developers Summit, one of Japan’s largest engineer events, was held February 13th and 14th 2020. This year, those two days saw 120 sessions in six tracks, with over 4,000 engineers in attendance.

Developers Summit is a technical conference with presenations by people at the top of their field explaining current or important technical skills in the Japanese software industry, trends worth watching, industry concepts, and more. The fields covered are broad and diverse, essentially encompassing all of the IT industry, and many of the sessions offered are from recognized experts in those fields. This means that the content is often quite deep, and usually very interesting.

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