The Innovative Engines, Glamorous EVs, and eVTOL Aircraft of Japan’s Automakers

Human Resocia Co.,Ltd.

2020-04-29 16:00

The Eyes of the World are on the Innovative Engines, Glamorous EVs, and eVTOL Aircraft of Japan’s Automakers Mazda, Famed for the Rotary Engine, Have Developed a New Innovative Engine This writer is in love with the two-seater convertible Mazda MX-5 Miata (which is called the Mazda Roadster in Japan). Though it can only seat two people and cannot carry much luggage, I drove the original model for nearly 30 years.
Mazda, Famed for the Rotary Engine, Have Developed a New Innovative Engine
This writer is in love with the two-seater convertible Mazda MX-5 Miata (which is called the Mazda Roadster in Japan). Though it can only seat two people and cannot carry much luggage, I drove the original model for nearly 30 years. Last fall I had to part with my beloved car due to a sudden breakdown. However, I like the MX-5 so much that in full knowledge of its drawbacks, I chose an MX-5 for my new car too.

Mazda MX-5
I chose the MX-5 because it is a beautifully designed and fun-to-drive car. But that’s not all. I also feel that I want to support the automaker Mazda’s commitment to pursuing new technologies. Internationally, Mazda is known as a small car maker, but there are many fans of the MX-5, and it is the only company in the world that has succeeded in mass-producing rotary engines and installing them in commercial vehicles.

(Please see below for the rest)
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