Daptiv Positioned as a Leader in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Cloud-Based IT Project and Portfolio Management Services for 3rd Consecutive Year


From: JCN Newswire

2014-05-26 11:05

Evaluation by World's Leading Information Technology Research and Advisory Company Based on Vendor Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute

SEATTLE, WA, May 26, 2014 - ( JCN Newswire ) - Daptiv, the on-demand leader in project portfolio management software, today announced it has been positioned by Gartner, Inc. as a "Leader" for the third consecutive year in the recently published 2014 "Magic Quadrant for Cloud-Based IT Project and Portfolio Management Services" report.

According to Gartner, Cloud-based IT PPM service providers identified as Leaders in this Magic Quadrant meet many IT PPM application functionality and process automation requirements of targeted consumers. Product depth in several core IT PPM areas -- such as demand management and analysis, advanced scheduling, resource and cost management, and out-of-the-box integration to key third party IT applications (such as ITSM software or application development tools) -- sets Leaders apart from competitors.

We believe Daptiv's market and product momentum over the past twelve months has helped to maintain its position in the Leaders Quadrant for a third consecutive year. The company's ongoing product and services innovations, continued growth in domestic and international markets, strong financial performance, higher than ever customer retention rates, and a demonstrated ability to successfully sell and service large customers, have all culminated in Daptiv effectively evolving cloud-based PPM to a highly viable enterprise class solution.

"We consider our placement as a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for the third consecutive year a great accomplishment, and a positive acknowledgement of the uncompromising focus we've placed on delivering a market-leading customer experience in PPM," said John Baldwin, CEO of Daptiv. "We believe Gartner's placement confirms our progress towards becoming the preeminent SaaS-based PPM solution for the enterprise, further evidenced by steady increases in our average customer size and the recent selection by BMC Software as their preferred cloud-based IT PPM solution for enterprise ITSM customers."

Organizations worldwide use Daptiv PPM, across industry verticals ranging from healthcare to education, technology, and financial services, among others. Its collaborative business software enables companies of all sizes to streamline employees' day-to-day interaction while dramatically reducing the complexity of managing multiple teams, projects and tasks.

Click here ( (リンク ») ) to view the newly published 2014 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud-Based IT Project and Portfolio Management Services.

Source: Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud-Based IT Project and Portfolio Management Services, May 19, 2014. Analysts: Daniel B. Stang, Robert A. Handler


Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About Daptiv

Founded in 1997, Daptiv is the leading global provider of on-demand Project Portfolio Management (PPM) solutions. Daptiv has helped thousands of companies improve their strategic planning and business execution by offering adaptable high-performance PPM solutions and world class professional services. Enterprises use Daptiv solutions to accelerate the pace of innovation, improve productivity and more effectively adapt to rapidly changing economic conditions and competitive dynamics. Daptiv's global headquarters is in Seattle, USA, with offices across EMEA and APAC. For more information, visit the company's website: www.daptiv.com (リンク »)

Frances Bigley
Barokas Public Relations for Daptiv








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