昨今、パブリッククラウド市場は世界的に成長を続けており、この市場の代表的サービスであるAmazon Web Services(AWS)、Microsoft Azure、Google Cloud Platform(GCP)などをはじめとする様々なパブリッククラウドサービスが普及しております。このような普及期を迎えるなかで、マルチクラウドを利用する企業も多く見受けられるようになってきました。
DivvyCloud社のCEOであるブライアン・ジョンソン(Brian Johnson)氏は「私達は日本市場でも有数のクラウドイノベーター企業であるISRとパートナーシップを締結できたことを非常に嬉しく思います。DivvyCloud社のクラウド管理ポリシー自動化ソリューションによって、日本で今後拡大するクラウド市場をサポートし、促進できると期待しています」と述べています。
現在は主力事業をCloudGate UNOに一本化し、2008年のサービス開始以来、約8年ものサービス運用実績があり、現在では1,200社62万ユーザー(2016年3月時点)にご利用頂いております。
E-mail: sales(at)isr.co.jp
〒164-0012 東京都中野区本町6-16-12 新中野FKビル 2F
TEL:03-3384-1123 FAX:03-3384-1124
International Systems Research Partners with DivvyCloud to Bring the Leading Cloud Automation Solution to the Japanese Market
Tokyo, Japan: International Systems Research Co. (ISR), a certified Google Enterprise Partner, Google Cloud Platform Partner, and security solutions provider, today announced that it has established an exclusive reseller agreement for the Japanese market with DivvyCloud, a certified Amazon Web Services Advanced Technology Partner that provides an automated policy enforcement solution for multi-cloud services.
Led by cloud services like Amazon Web Service (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), public cloud services have grown rapidly worldwide. The public cloud is becoming the default infrastructure option for enterprise applications. However, along with the convenience offered by the cloud services, come various implementation and adoption challenges. In the interest of agility, many cloud adopters decentralize provisioning in favor of agility, making it easy for the organization to lose sight of their cloud resources. In order to bring global visibility, DivvyCloud has developed a tool to automatically detect and discover new resources in real-time as they are being created, and inspect these resources for policy compliance, taking automated remediative action where necessary.
DivvyCloud’s BotFactoryTM provides over 100 types of standard automation Bots to meet enterprises’ needs. Bots automate policies around cost controls, security enforcement and organizational policy compliance. Customers can implement Bots as needed from the standard library, or create their own using BotFactory.
“When using the public cloud, there are some problems such as managing cost, security and grasping the cloud usage as the scale increases.” said Raul Mendez, the founder and CEO of ISR. “However, by implementing DivvyCloud, it is possible to save manpower and time involved in the cloud management, allocate resources to creative and productive activities. Therefore, we believe that by using DivvyCloud, ISR can contribute to the ops management in Japanese enterprises as they move their applications to the public cloud.”
ISR is planning to launch their DivvyCloud services on January 16th, 2017.
Brian Johnson, CEO of DivvyCloud, commented, “we are excited to partner with ISR, a leading cloud innovator in the Japanese market. We expect DivvyCloud’s automated policy enforcement technology to support and facilitate the large, growing cloud market in Japan.”
*All product names, company names, and organization names appeared are registered trademark.
About International Systems Research Co. (ISR)
ISR, established in 1993 in Tokyo, is a certified Google Enterprise Partner (GEP) since 2008 that has been developing the CloudGate authentication service for G SuiteTM and since then it has grown along with the G Suite ecosystem reaching 620,000 users in 1,200 Japanese and international companies at the end of March 2016. The company is built on customer satisfaction, and as such will continue providing high quality products and services based directly on clients’ needs.
ISR’s official website is at: (リンク »)
Media Contacts
Marketing Department
ISR Japan Office
E-mail: sales@isr.co.jp
TEL: +81-(0)3-3384-1123 FAX: +81-(0)3-3384-1124