Introduction to Monitoring with Zabbix #3 – Hosts and host groups

Human Resocia Co.,Ltd.

2020-03-18 16:00

In the last column, I explained open-source consolidated monitoring system Zabbix’s external and internal monitoring functions and its other monitoring functions. In this installment, we’ll look at hosts and host groups, which contain monitoring items.
In the last column, I explained open-source consolidated monitoring system Zabbix’s external and internal monitoring functions and its other monitoring functions. In this installment, we’ll look at hosts and host groups, which contain monitoring items.

In the last column, I explained open-source consolidated monitoring system Zabbix’s external and internal monitoring functions and its other monitoring functions. In this installment, we’ll look at hosts and host groups, which contain monitoring items.

Monitoring items can be managed for each host. What’s more, hosts can be managed together as a host group.By using hosts and host groups, you can easily understand the targets being monitored.

(Please see below for the rest)
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