So, You Want to be a Freelancer: Part 1 – For those already in Japan

Human Resocia Co.,Ltd.

2020-02-28 08:00

This series will look at issues with becoming a freelancer in Japan. It will focus on several points, including official procedures. We will examine general issues for people working in various fields but I will include field-specific information when possible.
This series will look at issues with becoming a freelancer in Japan. It will focus on several points, including official procedures. We will examine general issues for people working in various fields but I will include field-specific information when possible.

This first article will focus at some issues related to starting out when you are already in Japan, rather than moving to Japan specifically to freelance.

Base assumptions this time are 1) experience working in Japan as a company employee and 2) familiarity with the field or industry. Thus, I’m not going to focus on things like basic cultural assumptions. You can always review articles on WorkInJapan. Today for guidance on things like business cards, meeting etiquette, etc.

If these things are not true, you might benefit from a future article for those who don’t live in Japan already.

(Please see below for the rest)
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