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株式会社クリーク・アンド・リバー社(C&R社)は2月21日(水)、Web制作やゲーム開発で活躍するデザイナーの方を対象に、グローバルに活躍されるデザイナーのジェイコブ・ネルソン氏をゲストにお招きし、無料のオンラインセミナー「UIデザインソリューション Vol.5 AIに置き換えられないUIデザインのスキルとは」を開催します。本セミナーは、全編英語で行いますが、同時通訳を通して日本語でお聞きいただくことも可能です。
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※締切:2024年2月21日(水) 19:00
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Creek & River Co., Ltd, (C&R) will hold a free online seminar "UI Design Solution Vol. 5 What UI Design Skills Cannot be Replaced by AI" will be held." on Wednesday, February 21, inviting Mr. Jacob Nelson, a globally active designer, as a guest speaker for designers who are active in web production and game development.
▼Please sign up from below.
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*Application deadline: 2024/2/21(WED) 19:00
AIとデザインとの関係をきちんと理解することで、デザイナーの皆さまが仕事の品質を損なうことなくAI の力を活用することができます。AIに負けないUIデザイナーになるために必要なことが学べる絶好の機会です。ご興味のある方は、ぜひお気軽にご参加ください。<セミナー内容>
・UIデザインプロセスのどの部分がAIに引き継がれる可能性があるのかMake no mistake, the future of design is AI, and all designers should be leveraging its power. However, not all designers will use AI the proper way to avoid letting the tool use you, instead of you using the tool.Many designers will simply generate AI designs they think look cool and call it a day (replaceable designers). While others will use AI in very specific ways and scenarios to use when needed and leave the areas where AI isn’t sufficient to the designers experience, knowledge, and skills.Come join this seminar and learn the skills you need to avoid becoming a replaceable designer.You’ll learn:
- Learn which types of UI designers will soon be replaced by AI
- Learn which parts of the UI design process AI is slowly taking over to stay ahead of the curve
- Learn the knowledge and skills you need to become an irreplaceable designer if you fall into the “replaceable designer” category
- Learn where AI excels and where it fails
UIデザインソリューション Vol.5 AIに置き換えられないUIデザインのスキルとはUI Design Solutions Vol.5 AI design will replace you unless you have these UI design skills
2024年2月21日(水) 19:00~20:00Date and time
2024/2/21(WED) 19:00~20:00■場所
Held online(Zoom)■登壇者
[画像3: (リンク ») ]
Jacob Nelson
After graduating from the University of Washington with an M.S. in Information Management, Jacob Nelson worked in multiple leadership positions at global and local companies as Head of Design R&D, Head of UX&PX Strategy, Head of Digital Marketing & Brand, and others. Jacob was also a design mentor for Staffordshire University and the University of Washington.He has worked on countless projects, sites, apps, and mobile games over his career with his mobile games showcased in the coveted “Featured Games” and “Top Charts” on Google Play and App Store. Jacob also won the “Best Marketing Team” award at the 2018 Global Carrier Awards. His recent publications include an educational series on PX&UX design and joint paper with the University of Tokyo, “Affective Computing on Mental Health” (Game IoT for Healthcare).Currently, Jacob leads the fusion of UX (sites, applications) and PX (games) design, and is engaged in research and development of products and services that utilize AI, IoT, DLT, NFT, and other future technologies.■対象
-Game developer/Game designer/Game planner
-Product Designer
-Web Designer
-Web Producer
-Graphic Designer
-UX Designer
-UI Designer
-User/Player Researcher
無料Entry fee
100 people■主催
CREEK and RIVER Co., Ltd.
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※締切:2024年2月21日(水) 19:00▼Please sign up from below.
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*Application deadline: 2024/2/21(WED) 19:00
PEC事務局「UIデザイン ソリューションVol.5」セミナー担当
PEC In charge of the webinar " UI Design Solutions Vol.5“
▼eラーニング「卓越したUIを作る ゲーム、アプリ、Webサイト」(講師:ジェイコブ・ネルソン氏)
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[Related Course]
▼e-learning program by Jacob Nelson “Make Outstanding UI for Games, Apps & Websites”
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▼【厳選特集】UIデザイナー/Webデザイナー 求人情報
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▼【厳選特集】UXデザイナー/UXディレクター/Webディレクター 求人情報
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1990年創業のプロフェッショナル・エージェンシーです。「プロフェッショナルの生涯価値の向上」と「クライアントの価値創造への貢献」をミッションに、映像、ゲーム、Web、広告・出版、作家、建築、コンピュータサイエンス、ライフサイエンス、舞台芸術、CXO、アスリート、各分野のプロフェッショナルに特化したエージェンシー事業(派遣・紹介)、プロデュース事業(開発・請負)、ライツマネジメント事業(知的財産の企画開発・流通)を展開しています。また、C&Rグループとしては、医療、IT、会計、法曹、ファッション、食、アグリカルチャーの分野でも同事業を展開しており、その分野は合わせて18にまで拡大しています。The C&R Group, including Creek & River Co., Ltd, is active in 18 fields: TV/movies, games, web, advertising/publishing, artists/authors, medical, IT, legal, accounting, architecture, fashion, food, computer science, performing arts, life sciences, athletes, CXO, and agriculture. We provide an environment for professionals to maximize their potential through the provision of jobs, the composition of projects, the monetization of copyrights and intellectual property, and educational opportunities. We also aim to contribute to the value creation of our clients through the abilities of professionals.Webサイト: (リンク »)
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[動画: (リンク ») ]
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▼C&R社の原点とは…?ブランドサイト「Go Beyond the Limit」
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プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES (リンク »)