この議論は、米国時間7月3日の夜に、Googleのエンジニアリング担当バイスプレジデントであり、AndroidやGoogle Playストアのセキュリティ責任者を務めるDavid Kleidermacher氏が、8月に予定されているセキュリティカンファレンス「Black Hat USA 2020」で行うはずだった講演を取りやめるとしたことをきっかけに始まった。
These changes remove harmful associations, promote inclusion, and help us break down walls of unconscious bias. Not everyone agrees which terms to change, but I feel strongly our language needs to (this one in particular).
— David Kleidermacher (@DaveKSecure) July 3, 2020
Kleidermacher氏は、業界に対してこれらの用語について変更を検討するよう求めただけだったが、同氏の発言がBlack Hatカンファレンスに直接変更を要求するものだと誤解した人もいたようだ。
Black Hatカンファレンスがサイバーセキュリティ業界最大のイベントであることも手伝って、このオンラインでの議論はサイバーセキュリティ専門家の間で急速に広がり、米国独立記念日の週末を騒がせた。
中にはKleidermacher氏の主張に同調した専門家もいたが、大多数は同意せず、この呼びかけを「極端な美徳シグナリング」だととがめた。(美徳シグナリング:virtue signalingは、自分が倫理的であることを過度にアピールするような行為を指し、それをやゆする表現)
Little confused by this whole "Black Hat is racist" argument. The term came from hat colors in western movies, and has nothing to do with race. Coming up with racist connotations for non-racially charged terms, then trying to change them on those grounds just feels wrong.
— MalwareTech (@MalwareTechBlog) July 4, 2020
All black people want is an end to systemic #racism. Over-reacting about every mention of the word “black” isnt helping.
— Peter Mbele 🇿 (@PeterMBL_) July 5, 2020
Thats as silly as people who claim “I don’t see color.” That’s stupid. You SHOULD see color - thats the beauty of life!#infosechttps://t.co/oON1QqHW76
I'm confused, I thought black and white hats had their basis in old westerns where the goods guys wore the white hats and the villains wore the black. If I'm being ignorant I apologise https://t.co/220EbXzoft
— Fenrir (@semibogan) July 4, 2020
David has not watched many B-movie Westerns, let alone #Westworld https://t.co/J4l8WEOLJI
— Alec Muffett (@AlecMuffett) July 4, 2020
The term “Black Hat” comes from the depiction of a mysterious hacker that stays in the dark, wearing black to avoid drawing attention.
— Azeria (@Fox0x01) July 4, 2020
It refers to the color of a hat, not the hacker’s skin color. https://t.co/5F6bErwrlG pic.twitter.com/EF9F0CusrE
Okay help me out here... Because my first instinct here is to say changing "Blackhat" because it has the word black in it is silly and performative.
— Viking Sec #BlackLivesMatter (@Viking_Sec) July 4, 2020
Is there anything to this? https://t.co/uJzvLQ3tAW
Even change logs ✊ pic.twitter.com/n9RiMGEPeU
— Mr.doob (@mrdoob) July 2, 2020
We’re starting with a set of words we want to move away from using in favor of more inclusive language, such as: pic.twitter.com/6SMGd9celn
— Twitter Engineering (@TwitterEng) July 2, 2020
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