
「競争など下らない」--ラリー・ペイジの“矛盾発言”で盛り上がる米メディア - (page 3)


2013-05-20 17:23

註1 下記はこのLarry Pageの話に触れた記事の一部
Google CEO Larry Page speaks at I/O about competition and negativity in innovation -TNW
Larry Page Takes the Pulpit to Praise Technology, Snipe at Competitors - AllThingsD
Larry Page Gets Personal at Google’s Conference - The New York Times
Why Larry Page's kumbaya moment sounded hollow - Fortune
Google CEO Page: 'We're only at one percent of what's possible' - ZDNet
註2 Every story I read about Google is ‘us versus some other company’ or some stupid thing, and I just don’t find that very interesting. We should be building great things that don’t exist. Being negative isn’t how we make progress. Most important things are not zero sum, there is a lot of opportunity out there. Why Larry Page's kumbaya moment sounded hollow - Fortune
註3 He criticized Microsoft (MSFT ) over compatibility issues between its email service and Google's (GOOG ) products. Microsoft was "milking off" of Google's innovation," Page told the crowd. Why Larry Page's kumbaya moment sounded hollow - Fortune
註4 In a conversation about developing for Web platforms, he said, “We certainly struggle with people like Microsoft.” Larry Page Gets Personal at Google’s Conference - NYTimes
註5 When asked during a Q&A session about the fate of Android in light of Oracle’s court victories, Page seemed eager to snipe: “Money is more important to them than cooperation,” Page said. Larry Page Takes the Pulpit to Praise Technology, Snipe at Competitors - AllThingsD
Regarding Android, Page said Google has had a rough relationship with Oracle. "Money is more important to them than any kind of collaboration. That has been very difficult," said Page. Google CEO Page: 'We're only at one percent of what's possible' - ZDNet
註6 過去のいきさつ 昨年12月にウェブに掲載されていたFortuneとの独占インタビュー記事には、このあたりの事柄をめぐって、Pageと聞き手との間で話がかみ合わず、それでも聞き手の記者が食い下がっている、という印象を受ける箇所がある。 Fortune Exclusive: Larry Page on Google - Fortune


The future according to Google's Larry Page - Fortune


Wired: Google is known for encouraging its employees to tackle ambitious challenges and make big bets. Why is that so important?
Larry Page: I worry that something has gone seriously wrong with the way we run companies. If you read the media coverage of our company, or of the technology industry in general, it’s always about the competition. The stories are written as if they are covering a sporting event. But it’s hard to find actual examples of really amazing things that happened solely due to competition.
Google’s Larry Page on Why Moon Shots Matter - WIRED

 「この人のインタビュー記事がなぜこのタイミングで、この媒体に出たのだろう」と勘ぐってしまうのは当方のある種職業病みたいなものだが、その視点からみると、前者(Fortune)のほうは、Eric Schmidtからの政権交代がほぼ片付いて、自分の経営体制づくりにも目処がたち、Googleの売上・株価も回復基調にあった時点で、それまでずっと沈黙を守っていたPageに対して、Fortuneが「ちょっと投資家向けにアピールしませんか」と話を持ちかけた(あるいは、Google側の誰かがそうした手はずを整えた)といった可能性が考えられる。また後者については、年明けのFortune特集記事を受けて、苛立ちを覚えたPageが旧知の間柄であるLevyに声を掛けて、わりと急いでインタビュー記事をまとめさせた……。経営者のインタビューなどというのは、普通は企業側に何か売り込みたい事柄(新製品発表とか、企業買収とか)がないと行われないものだが、この1月時点ではGoogleにそうした具体的な案件は存在していなかったので、記事を目にした直後はどこか不思議に感じられたものだった。

註7 Google executives may consider themselves to be above the fray, but, in reality, they are as aggressive as many of their technology industry counterparts. Public sniping at rivals is common. Fortune Exclusive: Larry Page on Google - Fortune
註8 They trash competing products and business strategies, often in obvious attempts to lift the fortunes of their own services and mobile devices.
Although some of their criticisms are off the cuff, many are planned and vetted -- making it impossible to argue that they lack the corporate seal of approval.
Fortune Exclusive: Larry Page on Google - Fortune
註9 Google Versus - Darling Fireball
註10 Google is a hyper-competitive company, and they repeatedly enter markets that already exist and crush competitors. Nothing wrong with that. That’s how capitalism is supposed to work, and Google’s successes are admirable. But there’s nothing stupid about seeing Google being pitted “versus” other companies. They want everything; their ambition is boundless.
Google Versus - Darling Fireball
註11 もう少しきちんというと、Google Glassの開発を主導するSergey Brinに向かって、「撮られたくない人の権利なんかはどうなるの?(それがクリアになるまでは、出してはダメ)」などと言わないこと、となるか。


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