
ビル・ゲイツの「夏の読書リスト」と一押しの著者ヴァクラフ・スミル - (page 4)


2013-08-12 16:38

註1 Consuming the Earth.Our planet is covered with a layer of life called the biosphere.How much of it are we using up?
註2 There is no author whose books I look forward to more than Vaclav Smil. He jokes that no one reads his books (he's written more than 30 of them). It's true that each book only sells a few thousand copies. But I'm trying to read everything he writes.
註3 If you’re been reading this site for long, you know that Smil is one of my favorite authors. The term “polymath” was made for people like him. He writes thoughtful, thorough books on energy, innovation, agriculture, history, diet, and a lot more. I’m trying to read everything he writes, but he publishes so quickly that I can’t keep up. While his style can be a little dry and isn’t for everyone, I learn more by reading Vaclav Smil than just about anyone else.
註4 Meet Vaclav Smil, the Canadian polymath whose books Bill Gates is racing to read

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