
グローバル家電ブランドの可能性--シャオミの台頭と中国「U30」世代の意識 - (page 2)


2015-01-20 06:30


 取扱製品については、2014年にタブレット、Wi-Fiルータ、ウェブカム、STB、テレビ、フィットネスバンド(アクティビティトラッカー)、アプリ連動の血圧計、それに空気清浄機などをリリース。さらにウェアラブル関連の米ベンチャー、Misfit(John Sculleyも共同創業メンバーのひとり)に投資したり、Kingsoft Cloudへは3~5年で10億ドル程度の投資をしていく計画を明かしたりもしている。2014年9月には中国でMVNO(Mobile Virtual Network Operator)の免許まで取得していたというのはちょっと驚いてしまった。


[Xiaomi Mi Note Features]
[Xiaomi 2015 New Flagship Launch: Mi Note, Mi Box mini, Mi Headphones]



Older Chinese – the over-30s that under-index on Xiaomi ownership – have traditionally looked down on their own country's brands, assuming them cheap and second-rate. This is the population to which Apple – and all of the Western luxury companies – are selling to with great success. There is a younger generation, though, the Xiaomi generation, that has grown up in a country that has been growing by near double digits every year they have been alive. To their minds of course China is a global power, and why wouldn't they embrace Chinese brands? Xiaomi is tapping into that nationalistic bent, and the red star on their mascot's hat couldn’t be less subtle:


And, of course, that fan base is concentrated in the most populous country in the world.

This strategy also explains Xiaomi's international expansion strategy: India – the world’s 2nd largest population – is already well underway, and Indonesia – the 4th largest – just kicked off. Brazil (5th) is coming soon. True, the United States (3rd) isn't coming any time soon, but why bother? Apple has the fans, everyone has appliances, and yes, there is a bit of an IP problem.


Selling the Xiaomi Lifestyle

This, then, is the key to understanding Xiaomi: they're not so much selling smartphones as they are selling a lifestyle, and the key to that lifestyle is MiUI, Xiaomi's software layer that ties all of these things together.


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