アップルが米大統領選で「政争の材料」に - (page 4)


2012-02-24 16:14


 石油や化学関連の各社(シェブロン、エクソン・モービル、ダウ・ケミカル)などが加入するAmerican Petroleum Instituteは当然としても、ボーイング、キャタピラー、ファイザー、P&Gなどの多国籍企業各社が加入するNational Foreign Trade Council、それにアップル、マイクロソフト、シスコシステムズなどがつくるInformation Technology Industry Council(ITIC)などまでが批判の声をあげる。

 さらに恩恵が期待されるはずの製造業の業界団体(National Association of Manufacturers)からさえ、「25%という税率では外国企業に対する競争力低下につながる」という反応が出ているという。

 ちなみにITICのコメントは「(この案は)成功を収める企業を罰し、投資の流れを米国外へと追いやるもの」(the plan "would punish successful companies and push investments out of the United States.")となっている(註6)。


 なお、この国外で得た利益への課税について、Bloombergは論説記事で「やむを得ず外国で行わなくてはならない活動に従事する事業にはペナルティを科すべきでない」と、定義の曖昧さなどが「抜け道」(loophole)として使われる懸念もあると指摘(註7)。「141工程のほぼすべてが手作業で行われている」(The Verge)というiPhoneの製造が果たして「やむを得ず」("by necessity")に該当するか……と余計な興味も湧いてしまう(前述の註2)。

 WSJの記事に話を戻すと、このなかにはあとふたつ目を引く箇所が含まれている。いずれもこの後に触れる「Repatriation Tax」に関連するものだが、ひとつはその現状についてで、つぎのような説明がある。

 「米国は、自国企業が国外であげた利益に税金を課す制度がある、先進国のなかでも数少ない国のひとつだが、ただし企業がこの利益を国内に持ち込もうとしない限り税金の支払いは猶予される」「この制度については、多くの業界団体や共和党議員などから『テリトリアル課税方式』("territorial system")への移行を求める声が上がっている」「テリトリアル方式に変わると、企業は米国内で得た利益にしか課税されなくなるが、それに対してオバマ政権は逆の方向を目指しており、国外で得た利益に対して最低限の税金を課す新たな制度を提案している(ただし具体的な税率は明かしていない)」とある(註8)。


The U.S. is one of the few advanced economies that taxes businesses on profits earned outside the country, though it lets companies defer those taxes until the money is brought home. Many business groups and Republicans advocate moving to a "territorial system" that would tax only income earned within U.S. borders. The Obama administration went the opposite direction, proposing a new minimum tax on foreign earnings, though it didn't specify a rate.


"Corporate Taxes: Advantages of a Territorial System " Tax Foundationというロビー団体が公開している「テリトリアル課税方式のメリット」を説明したビデオ

"Dean Garfield, president of the Information Technology Industry Council, a trade group that includes Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Cisco Systems Inc., said the plan "would punish successful companies and push investments out of the United States."

Catherine Schultz, vice president for tax policy at the National Foreign Trade Council, whose members include Boeing Co., Caterpillar Inc., Pfizer Inc. and Procter & Gamble Co., said, "This is not real tax reform but tinkering around the edges."

Jack Gerard, chief executive of the American Petroleum Institute, whose members include Chevron Corp., Dow Chemical Co. and Exxon Mobil Corp., said "this isn't a serious effort for uniform tax reform, if all he's doing is shuffling the deck chairs and picking winners and losers."

Even the manufacturing industry, which would have its top tax rate capped at 25%, offered a tepid read of the plan.

"The president suggests some changes that will help, but many of the proposals completely miss the mark and would make U.S. businesses less competitive," said Jay Timmons, chief executive of the National Association of Manufacturers."

Obama Tax Plan Gets Pushbak - WSJ


The Obama plan also increases the potential for tax code gamesmanship. It says, for example, that the minimum tax on overseas profits shouldn't penalize businesses engaging in “activities which, by necessity, must occur in a foreign country.” Administration officials have in mind exemptions for things like building and operating hotels abroad, but we spy a loophole that could undermine the provision's intent.

Obama's Corporate Tax Plan Could Be Fairer and Simpler: View - Bloomberg


The U.S. is one of the few advanced economies that taxes businesses on profits earned outside the country, though it lets companies defer those taxes until the money is brought home. Many business groups and Republicans advocate moving to a "territorial system" that would tax only income earned within U.S. borders. The Obama administration went the opposite direction, proposing a new minimum tax on foreign earnings, though it didn't specify a rate.

Obama Tax Plan Gets Pushbak - WSJ

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