Lean In Circleのウェブサイトを見ると、あまり知られていない普通の人に混じって、複数の連邦議会議員や政府関係者、それから下記のような著名人の体験談も寄せられているのに気付いた。かなりやり手のパブリシストがついているのかもしれない。
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一つよくわからないのは、2012年6月頃に「スローター vs サンドバーグ論争」とFortuneやNYTあたりではやし立てられた、その論争相手のアン・マリエ・スローター(プリンストン大学国際政治学部学部長、元米国務省幹部、ヒラリー・クリントンの元側近)の名前も見えるところ。
Apple, Google, Facebook Tell Supreme Court: Gay Marriage Is Good for Business
We Found Our Son in the Subway
The story of how Danny and I were married last July in a Manhattan courtroom, with our son, Kevin, beside us, began 12 years earlier, in a dark, damp subway station.
The world needs women to redefine success beyond money and power. We need a third metric, based on our well-being, our health, our ability to unplug and recharge and renew ourselves, and to find joy in both our job and the rest of our life.
For far too long, men have equated success with working around the clock, driving yourself into the ground, sleep deprivation and burnout. Women need to lead the way to change that — both for their sake and for the sake of successful men who desperately need to learn how to lean back.
Ultimately, success is not about money or position, but about living the life you want, not just the life you settle for.
In a study of nearly 400 employees, published last year, researchers found that sleeping too little — defined as less than six hours each night - was one of the best predictors of on-the-job burn-out. A recent Harvard study estimated that sleep deprivation costs American companies $63.2 billion a year in lost productivity.
As women scale new heights in the workplace, they pay a heavy price: women in stressful jobs have a nearly 40% increased risk of heart disease and a 60% increased risk of diabetes than their less-stressed colleagues. According to the latest study from the American Psychological Association [4], women are more likely than their male colleagues to feel stressed during a typical workday, due to many factors, including feeling underappreciated in the workplace.