
グーグルの「邪悪な」節税をめぐって盛り上がる英国 - (page 3)


2013-05-21 19:24

註1 Barney Jones, 34, who worked for the internet search giant between 2002 and 2006, has lifted the lid on an elaborate structure which diverts British profits through Ireland to the Bermuda tax haven.

Although Google’s London sales staff would negotiate and sign contracts with British customers, and cash was paid into a UK bank account, deals were technically booked through its Dublin office to minimise its liabilities here. Jones, a devout Christian and father of four, is ready to hand over a cache of more than 100,000 emails and documents to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), detailing the “concocted scheme”.

Google insider exposes ‘immoral’ tax scam - The Sunday Times

註2 Our hope is to move the debate forward, with everyone engaged constructively in developing a clearer, simpler system ? one in which companies that abide by the law know that the politicians who devised the rules are willing to defend and commend them.

At Google we aspire to do the right thing. So we welcome a debate on international tax reform - The Observer (Guardian UK)

註3 For example, it's tempting for every government to assume that they will benefit if and when the current structure changes. But in reality, it's probably only a significant increase in corporation taxes globally that would make every country a "winner" ? and the consequences of that would likely be less innovation, less growth and less job creation.


For example, Google has just announced plans to invest more than £1bn in new offices in London's King's Cross. It's been estimated that this investment will generate some £80m a year in new employment taxes and £50m in stamp duty. This is in addition to the significant amounts we already pay in UK tax through corporate, local and employment taxes.

At Google we aspire to do the right thing. So we welcome a debate on international tax reform - The Observer (Guardian UK)

註4 Google avoided about $2 billion in worldwide income taxes in 2011 by shifting $9.8 billion in revenue into a Bermuda shell company, almost double the total from three years before, filings show.


“We pay lots of taxes; we pay them in the legally prescribed ways,” he said. “I am very proud of the structure that we set up. We did it based on the incentives that the governments offered us to operate.”

The company isn’t about to turn down big savings in taxes, he said. “It’s called capitalism,” he said. “We are proudly capitalistic. I’m not confused about this.”

Google Chairman Says Android Winning Mobile War With Apple: Tech - Bloomberg


Does Google 'do evil'? - Guardian

註6 European Union leaders struggling to find a consensus on how to overcome the debt crisis and revive economic growth will use a summit meeting this week to focus on fighting tax evasion and on the bloc’s energy policy.

EU Leaders Struggling With Economic Growth to Turn to Tax Policy - Bloomberg

註7 The letter comes ahead of the G8 summit next month where Mr Cameron said he had made "fighting the scourge of tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance a priority."

David Cameron's call to tackle tax avoidance - Telegraph

註8 A Downing Street official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said taxation would indeed be included in the discussions of the Business Advisory Group on Monday, which will focus on preparations for the Group of 8 summit meeting next month in Northern Ireland. “Nothing is off the table,” this person said.

Eric Schmidt of Google to Meet With British Prime Minister - NYTimes

註9 David Cameron has refused to say whether he will question Google's chairman over allegations that the internet giant is exploiting tax loopholes at a meeting on Monday that will discuss tightening up international tax rules.

The prime minister's spokesman also refused to be drawn on whether Eric Schmidt, who is attending the meeting of Cameron's business advisory committee, will be asked for his opinion on how best to close existing tax loopholes as they discuss the government's agenda of tackling "aggressive avoidance".

Cameron refuses to say if he will quiz Google boss Eric Schmidt over tax - Guradian


Approval ratings hit low for Cameron - poll - Reuters


Miliband promises action on Google tax avoidance - Telegraph

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