・Google Begins Testing Its Augmented-Reality Glasses - NYTimes (2012年4月4日付の記事)
・At Google Conference, Cameras Even in the Bathroom - NYTImes
註3)Often, Google Glass owners looked strange. Many were using their cellphones while wearing the glasses ? defeating a declared purpose of the new gadget, to free you from having to look at your phone ..... At one point as I climbed the stairs and approached the second floor, I saw a group of five people wearing Google Glass, all silently staring off into space. ・At Google Conference, Cameras Even in the Bathroom - NYTImes
註4)Glass写真撮影の「裏技」 Googleは正式には禁じているらしいが、外部の開発者にGlassのExplorer Editionというのを配布したら、すぐに「ハック」されて、そうしたことができるようになってしまったらしい(下記の註5参照)。なお、Glassのカメラには「被写体をじっくり見据えないと撮影できない」といった制約もあるという話もThe Vergeの動画には出ていたりする。
註5) Then I met the man who excitedly told me about his power to snap pictures with his eyelid. (The wink, it should be noted, is not officially supported by Glass, but is essentially a hack “sideloaded” onto the device.) He explained that he uses the wink-to-take-a-picture feature so much that a few days ago he was not wearing his Google Glass and was confused when he blinked his eye and nothing happened. ・At Google Conference, Cameras Even in the Bathroom - NYTImes
註6 ・Google Glassのプライバシーに米下院議員が懸念を表明 - ITmedia
註7 "... We would like to know how Google plans to prevent Google Glass from unintentionally collecting data about the user/non-user without consent?"
註8 ・Google Searches for Style - NYTimes
註9 ・Inside Google's Secret Lab - Businessweek
註10 エドワード・テラー(Edward Teller、略)、 1908年1月15日 - 2003年9月9日)は、ハンガリー生まれでアメリカに亡命したユダヤ人理論物理学者である。アメリカの「水爆の父」として知られる。ローレンス・リバモア国立研究所は彼の提案によって設立された。 本来の専門分野では、原子核物理学、分子物理学などで多くの業績があり、代表的なものにヤーン・テラー効果やBETの吸着等温式がある。 スタンリー・キューブリック監督の映画『博士の異常な愛情』の、水爆好きのマッドサイエンティスト、ストレンジラブ博士のモデルの一人とされている[要出典]。 [エドワード・テラー - Wikipedia]
註11 “(He) is a reminder to me to make sure you do what you love,” Teller says. His grandfather “spent most of his time being a scientific politician and an organization builder because he believed it was critical for democracy and humanity. But he really wished he could have gone in the corner and been a scientist.” His grandfather “spent most of his time being a scientific politician and an organization builder because he believed it was critical for democracy and humanity. But he really wished he could have gone in the corner and been a scientist.”
・Inside Google's Secret Lab - Businessweek
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