Pretty extraordinary progress for a decade's work. Having exceeded even the crazy ambitious goals we dreamed of for Android—and with a really strong leadership team in place—Andy's decided it's time to hand over the reins and start a new chapter at Google. Andy, more moonshots please!
Google's Larry Page on Why Moon Shots Matter
Andy Rubin and the Great Narrowing of Google
なお、2012年10月にNew York Magazineに掲載されたマリッサ・メイヤーに関する記事には、20011年4月にグーグルCEOに就任したラリー・ペイジが、メイヤーを実質的に降格させた、つまり影響力の小さなポジションに移したことについて、「公私の区別をきっちりつけて経営にあたりたいと考えた」と書いてある。
Then there was the delicate matter of Mayer's public but never widely reported relationship with Page. (“Most local journalists know the gossip, relish it,” vented Nick Denton on Gawker in 2006, but “wouldn't dream of working it into an article,” so anxious are they to protect their access to Google's top tier.)
After I interviewed Page in November, Pichai popped in for a meeting with his boss. The two circled back to talk to me for a few minutes, and they seemed to have a warm, easygoing rapport.
Google Maps Boss Steps Down As Mapping And Commerce Division Gets Split