
ティム・クックとテスラのイーロン・マスク--個性の違い、「モメンタム」の違い - (page 3)


2013-06-04 19:55

Tech Renaissance Man Elon Musk Talks Cars, Spaceships and Hyperloops at D11 - AllThingsD
註2 テスラの株価はついに100ドルを超えた Tesla crosses the $100 per share mark - GigaOM
註3 米エネルギー省からの融資 この資金の一部は、テスラが清算したトヨタとGMのジョイントベンチャー、NUMMIからフレモントにある工場などを譲り受けるのにも使われた。
註4 米政府からの借り入れ完済 ・ - Tesla
註5 Fiskerの苦境 ・Where are they now (Fisker edition)? The story gets even weirder - GigaOM
註6 Better Placeの破産 ・Report: Better Place to file for bankruptcy - GigaOM
The unbearable lightness of what Tim Cook says - Fortune
註8 It was the second year in a row Cook opened the prestigious AllthingsD conference and the second year in a row he divulged precious little about what is going on at Apple.
The unbearable lightness of what Tim Cook says - Fortune
註9 The interview conducted by journalist-luminaries Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher was alternately painful and tedious. Over and over they asked Cook to spill the beans on future products, and over and over he demurred... ・The unbearable lightness of what Tim Cook says - Fortune
註10 Some of what Cook says smells of misdirection or perhaps delusion. Asked to address the growing competitive threat from the likes of Google (GOOG) and Samsung, Cook said "We've always had competent rivals," singling out for praise Microsoft (MSFT) and Dell (DELL).
The unbearable lightness of what Tim Cook says - Fortune
註11 For two straight years at the highest profile executive conference in the tech industry, Cook has been unable to talk about anything relatively new or exciting for Apple. Obviously no CEO worth a damn is going to preannounce a consumer electronics product at a show like D11. But Apple’s crown jewels are old news in a tech industry that moves at light speed: the iPhone will be six years old this summer, and the iPad just turned three. Six years before the iPhone was introduced, the personal digital assistant represented the vanguard of mobile computing. We know the story of those products. They’re still growing strongly despite shipping in immense volumes, they’re still the favorite of mobile software developers, and they still (for the most part) set the standard by which all other mobile devices are measured. ・Why Apple, Tim Cook, and the tech industry need something new to talk about - GigaOM
註12 ... during a subsequent Q&A session. "Why won't you give us a view of the future," Benton asked, suggesting that Google, with its innovations around Google Chrome and Google Now has become far better than Apple at painting a picture of things to come. ・The unbearable lightness of what Tim Cook says - Fortune
註13 On Apple's share price: If you look at the stock, it's been frustrating. Frustrating for investors and all of us. This is not unprecedented. The beauty of being around for a while is you see many cycles.
Apple's Tim Cook on watches, taxes and how he's like Steve Jobs - Fortune

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