(1)- 「Apple Pay」、中国で2016年2月に提供開始か - CNET Japan
(3)訪日中国人の「爆買い」効果は1000億円超? 百貨店売上高の4分の1
(5)Apple Inc. Q4 2015 Unaudited Summary Data
(6)Apple wins dual crowns in September – China and US
(7)Apple Pay is now available in Canada with American Express, UK Apple Pay adds Tesco Bank and TSB
(8)Apple Pay goes live in Australia with American Express, loyalty card support coming ‘soon’
(9)外国人観光客、目標を2000万人から3000万人超に引き上げへ 政府が新会議設置
(10)Apple, Banks in Talks on Mobile Person-to-Person Payment Service