I was picked up at Logan Airport by my old friend Michael Sandel, who teaches the famous Socratic, 1,000-student "Justice" course at Harvard, which is launching March 12 as the first humanities offering on the M.I.T.-Harvard edX online learning platform.
Sandel explained, he had recently been in South Korea, where his Justice course has been translated into Korean and shown on national television. It has made him such a popular figure there that the Koreans asked him to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at a professional baseball game.
He appeared on an SBS TV special lecture program and gave an open-door lecture at Yonsei University in Seoul. His free lecture tickets at the Yonsei were traded at 35,000 won, reflecting his popularity. The author of "Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do" and "What Money Can't Buy," threw the first ball in the opening game of a pro-baseball match in Seoul, a rare event for a professor. He met Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon and also participated in an autograph session for his book at the Kyobo Book Center in Seoul. His two books have become bestsellers in Korea.
アップルCEOのティム・クックやエディー・キューといった卒業生を排出する名門私立大学のデューク大学については、New York Timesの記事に「4万2000ドル」という数字が出ている。トップクラスの私立だと、文系でもこれくらいが相場ということか。
A Tent City for Fun and Profit
なお、米国の大学教育にかかる高い費用の問題は、それだけで何本も記事が書けるような話題。今週初めのWall Street Journalには「公立の大学でもこんなに学費が上がっている」という記事が載っていた。記事中にある図解をみると、公的補助金の減額ぶり、その結果として生じる学生側の負担の増加ぶりがよくわかる。
余談になるが、クレイトン・クリステンセン教授の長男がデューク大学の出身、NBA選手も多数輩出する強豪バスケットボール部「Blue Devils」のOBで、2001年に全米大学選手権を制したチームのメンバーだったという話を、以前Bloomberg Businessweekの記事で見かけたことがある。